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Please help me word this

plain jane

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I need to write a letter to the owner of a (large) business to complain about the level of customer service we received from their service dept.


We have been discussing the issue with the sales manager, who can't really help is with the issue, but did reveal that what we experienced has been a common occurrence as of late and encouraged us to take it to the owner via writing a letter.


So- I have a decent letter drafted but I can't seem to find the words to start it. How do I lead into something like this?


Basically what we purchased is a high end specialty good, bought through a specialty store and is meant to be serviced and warrantied through them, neither of which is happening at the moment.

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Dear So-and-so,


I am writing to report some disappointing service my family has experienced with your company recently.


Blah blah blah...


Than I'd end it with something like:


We've been loyal customers for a long time, and hope that this situation can be fixed.





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