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When do PSAT results tend to arrive in December?

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If I remember correctly, results were really spread out last year. Some people got theirs in early December, some not until nearly the end of the month. And geography/score range/homeschool status didn't seem to have anything to do with it.


So if your next-door neighbor has had his for a week and yours hasn't shown up, don't panic (not that I speak from experience, or anything... :001_rolleyes: ),

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Just a public service announcement, we did get ours in the mail, but I didn't look over them carefully enough.


Ds1 (or the private school-he can't remember) put that he was not a high school student on the form. I was waiting for commended status, but it never came. So in October, we had to scramble to get his commendation letter (finally did, but wasn't on his transcript for applications).


So, check the administration stuff carefully, if you have a kid like mine. 

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