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The Great Advent D/C Challenge:UPDATE: Week 2, Day 2.


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I fervently hope you had successes last week that pleased you, met your goals, decreased your clutter, and made you feel motivated to continue!

If you saw me in the "Do you like to clean?" post, you might know how much I just hate to clean. Organizing, and decluttering has not been fun, cleaning is the same old bugaboo. I did so enjoy rearranging my furniture, though. I also love walking through the super tidy parts of my house.

Please let me know how it went last week!

Goals for this week:
Well, with Thanksgiving, it's a short work week.
Monday: complete the hallway. This will include a trip shopping for something to do with my shoes. I blush to confess: I keep my shoes lined up in the hall. Really I'm not a great big shoe person. I cycle among a few pair each season and those few stay lined up in the hall and the rest get jumbled up in the bottom of my closet. So, today I'll go looking for ideas to manage that.
Tuesday: do all of main restroom. It hasn't been that long since it has had a good going over and, while the organization has begun to collapse a big, I'm catching it at a good time and it wont take too long.
Wednesday: I doubt if I do anything for cleaning/decluttering.
Thursday - Saturday: bupkiss! And I KNOW I don't need to worry about that b/c I have a plan that allows for it!

C'mon, guys! Don't stop now! It's a holiday week but we can still make progress in tiny incrememnts!

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Well, I can't mentally join your challenge since Advent for us is the time of preparation and Advent doesn't start until Sunday the 1st.


But... in the spirit, we had a major water leak in the kitchen over the weekend. Bad enough that the upper cabinets had to be emptied and removed from the walls.  I took advantage of the empty cabinets to scrub them all out, sort out the expired bottles and wash everything off before putting it all back.   Today, I am going to tackle the lower cabinets since I'm on a cleaning roll and have this week off from work.


Good luck with your cleaning!

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Well, I can't mentally join your challenge since Advent for us is the time of preparation and Advent doesn't start until Sunday the 1st.


But... in the spirit, we had a major water leak in the kitchen over the weekend. Bad enough that the upper cabinets had to be emptied and removed from the walls.  I took advantage of the empty cabinets to scrub them all out, sort out the expired bottles and wash everything off before putting it all back.   Today, I am going to tackle the lower cabinets since I'm on a cleaning roll and have this week off from work.


Good luck with your cleaning!




Hello, AK_Mom4!


That is really a reference to my original post about wanting to prepare heart and home through Advent to prepare for Christmas.  I posted asking if anyone had any good ideas, et c.  As I was planning, I realized that if I wanted to do e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g  before Christmas, there weren't enough weeks in Advent.  So, I started early.  It really is still my Advent goal, b/c it is part of what I want to be doing to prepare for the birth of Our Lord. 


One of my new year resolutions, which also begin at Advent (the new year of the Liturgical Calendar), is to be more hospitable.  So, to do that and to have my house ready to do it by Christmas . . . I had to begin my Advent challenge early.


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I have family coming on Wednesday night, so I hope to have the house straightened (dare I say decluttered) a bit! I'm terrible about remembering to come back and post updates, but I'll try...



Hang new ceiling fan in kids' room (actually I'll be watching the kids while dh gets this done ;-))

Put away fall decorations (we already have the Christmas/winter ones up!)

Date night!!



Wash all sheets and blankets

Declutter "under-the-stairs" closet

Declutter and straighten linen closet upstairs



Clean downstairs bathroom (as well as declutter)

Clean upstairs bathroom (as well as declutter)

Straighten all the rooms

Straighten school room

Throw away broken and no-longer-played-with toys


I'll add more as I think of it...

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I made some progress!  My daughter went through the children's picture books and donated about 40 of them.  She has *plenty* left and won't miss them at all.  In the kitchen, I cleaned out two cabinets. I also did a deep clean of the refrigerator to make room for all the Thanksgiving leftovers.  I threw out a pile of old Family Fun magazines that I was keeping for fun activities.  I tore out some pages of fun activities that I might actually do and threw the rest in the recycling bin.  The entry closet got organized and I donated gloves and hats that were too small for anyone in the family.  It's a start...

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It is not a holiday week here, our thanksgiving was last month.  I made wonderful goals last week and then was barely home all week so they did not get finished.  So this week I am changing it and doing like you and assigning 1 day per task instead of a list of tasks only


Monday: switch out the fall decor on entrance table and start putting out the snowmen decor, hang the 2 holiday light decorations in the livingroom windows.(pick up extension cords after work today to turn them on)

Tuesday: empty/sort/declutter the drawers of the entry table

Wednesday: empty/sort/declutter the deacons bench in entry

Thursday: decide how many manips I need to keep and if the shoeboxes holding them need to stay on the entry way shelf, if not either move them or purge them.

Friday: declutter and reorganize under the sink where we keep makeup/toilettries etc.


As laundry gets done all week I am sorting either into the laundry basket or the goodwill bag as it comes right out of the dryer. Also trying to spend 15-20 minutes per day working on setting up a space in the basement for the younger kids to play and watch videos, I can't handle their toys all over the house anymore, so even though it is not a regular basement, I think it will be fine.


Saturday: drop load at goodwill bin

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I have family coming on Wednesday night, so I hope to have the house straightened (dare I say decluttered) a bit! I'm terrible about remembering to come back and post updates, but I'll try...



Hang new ceiling fan in kids' room (actually I'll be watching the kids while dh gets this done ;-))

Put away fall decorations (we already have the Christmas/winter ones up!)

Date night!!



Wash all sheets and blankets

Declutter "under-the-stairs" closet

Declutter and straighten linen closet upstairs



Clean downstairs bathroom (as well as declutter)

Clean upstairs bathroom (as well as declutter)

Straighten all the rooms

Straighten school room

Throw away broken and no-longer-played-with toys


I'll add more as I think of it...


GREAT! I'm so glad you're joining!


Don't wear yourself out or burn out early! Small steps to success is so much better than a giant step to burn out.


Have a great holiday!

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I made some progress! My daughter went through the children's picture books and donated about 40 of them. She has *plenty* left and won't miss them at all. In the kitchen, I cleaned out two cabinets. I also did a deep clean of the refrigerator to make room for all the Thanksgiving leftovers. I threw out a pile of old Family Fun magazines that I was keeping for fun activities. I tore out some pages of fun activities that I might actually do and threw the rest in the recycling bin. The entry closet got organized and I donated gloves and hats that were too small for anyone in the family. It's a start...



And what a blessing to those who can't afford but would love to provide books for their littles. Those are such memory-making books.


Yeah . . . I hear you about the magazines. I've gone through the same kind of self torture. For me? I tried clipping and keeping in a 3-ring binder but eventually realized that if I need a cute craft, someone out there has it pinned on pintrest. That and knowing that I can trot down to the library any time I want to see one freed me right up.


You are right, it is a start and it's a great start! Remember slow and steady wins the race!

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It is not a holiday week here, our thanksgiving was last month. I made wonderful goals last week and then was barely home all week so they did not get finished. So this week I am changing it and doing like you and assigning 1 day per task instead of a list of tasks only


Monday: switch out the fall decor on entrance table and start putting out the snowmen decor, hang the 2 holiday light decorations in the livingroom windows.(pick up extension cords after work today to turn them on)

Tuesday: empty/sort/declutter the drawers of the entry table

Wednesday: empty/sort/declutter the deacons bench in entry

Thursday: decide how many manips I need to keep and if the shoeboxes holding them need to stay on the entry way shelf, if not either move them or purge them.

Friday: declutter and reorganize under the sink where we keep makeup/toilettries etc.


As laundry gets done all week I am sorting either into the laundry basket or the goodwill bag as it comes right out of the dryer. Also trying to spend 15-20 minutes per day working on setting up a space in the basement for the younger kids to play and watch videos, I can't handle their toys all over the house anymore, so even though it is not a regular basement, I think it will be fine.


Saturday: drop load at goodwill bin



That IS swell, Swellmomma!


I just knew that overwhelming myself with just one enormous job (declutter the house) or one enormous list of jobs would be my undoing.


Doing it this way, for me, has meant success! One small step at a time and little tasks a couple of times per day really, really, add up.


You're getting so much done this week! Yay, you! By Christmas you own house will be a gift to you!

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I have family coming on Wednesday night, so I hope to have the house straightened (dare I say decluttered) a bit! I'm terrible about remembering to come back and post updates, but I'll try...



Hang new ceiling fan in kids' room (actually I'll be watching the kids while dh gets this done ;-)) DONE!

Put away fall decorations (we already have the Christmas/winter ones up!)

Date night!! DONE!



Wash all sheets and blankets

Declutter "under-the-stairs" closet

Declutter and straighten linen closet upstairs-DONE!



Clean downstairs bathroom (as well as declutter)

Clean upstairs bathroom (as well as declutter)

Straighten all the rooms

Straighten school room

Throw away broken and no-longer-played-with toys


I'll add more as I think of it...

Dh goes back to work tomorrow, so I should be a lot more productive.

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Today I'm supposed to start and finish the main restroom.  I will . . . however, I haven't yet completed yesterday's project.  


Yesterday was the hall and I know that sounds so easy but it is really a big project.  We have a lot of storage in the hall and all of it needs cleaning out.  I did get it all cleaned out AND organized but


My shoes are still there.  I'll move them when I get off here.


I now have a big pile of laundry there b/c it came out of the hamper in the hamper closet.  I'd like to just wash it all today but . . . I doubt it.  I'll get to some but some will have to go back to the hamper.  I can live with that.


Well, as soon as I decided that it would be okay to return some things to the hamper, my hallway job was practically done.  I just had three pair of shoes to remove and then a quick vacuum and mop. Done!  Crazy workload in there yesterday made me doubt I could get it done quickly.  I'm very happy to have that behemoth decluttered, organized, and clean!!!


Now, on the the restroom!


The restroom will be easy, I think.


AND I need to bathe the dog today.  We're going to the Sloppy Dog.  I like to bathe the dog but don't want that catastrophe in my restroom today.  Sloppy Dog is a good compromise. (Sloppy Dog = a place where you can have your dog bathed/groomed for one fee or use their facilities to bathe your own dog for less.) 

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I am today, but I am just getting up for the day lol  I woke up dd for class and went back to bed.

Yesterday I did not finish my tasks BUT I did dig a bunch of my snowmen decor out of the basement and hauled it upstairs. That is a big part of switching it out since it was not easily accessible.  Today I will finish yesterday's task of switching out the decor as I work on today's task of cleaning out those drawers.  Then that whole dresser/table will be done inside and out.

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I am today, but I am just getting up for the day lol  I woke up dd for class and went back to bed.


Yesterday I did not finish my tasks BUT I did dig a bunch of my snowmen decor out of the basement and hauled it upstairs. That is a big part of switching it out since it was not easily accessible.  Today I will finish yesterday's task of switching out the decor as I work on today's task of cleaning out those drawers.  Then that whole dresser/table will be done inside and out.



Well, I didn't finish mine yesterday, either, but the important thing is that we have goals, objectives, can see where our objectives need tweaking, and can adjust and still be successful!


Yay, YOU!


And your snowman stuff will be so fun to have around. Enjoy!

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I did my kitchen so far, taking a nap because baby Juli decided I need to, after I get dd off the bus I will start on the living room



Oh, my!  I congratulate you!  I'm saving the kitchen for the last thing before Christmas b/c it's such a chore.  Great job!  


Nap with baby . . . heaving sigh . . . oh what a blessing!  Enjoy every second!

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I had NO IDEA how far away from me the restroom had gotten.  The doors all close; the drawers all close; somehow . . . no . . . I was in denial, plain and simple.  

That wore me out but, for the most part, it's done.  I'm actually paying my daughter to scrub the tub, sink, counter, toilette.  It's okay to delegate, bribe, pay, whatever it takes!

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Okay...I'm not being very productive today. We decided to build a house out of legos instead of cleaning! :thumbup:


And I've been researching some last minute Thanksgiving craft ideas for the little ones. Oh, and now dd14 wants to watch a movie with me while the little ones nap. Yay, for rainy, homeschooling days!

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