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Talk to me about a strong grammar program for middle school


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Despite completing all levels of FLL and WWE, my 6th grader is still making major errors when writing.  Things like mixing up their, there, they're, not capitalizing titles etc.  She is currently doing IEW as a writing program and using Daily Grams for grammar.  I need to start her back into a strong grammar program though, as it is obvious that the information she learned with FLL and WWE didn't stick.  I was thinking of doing FLL4 again with her, but she'd really like something else.  Suggestions please.

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Well, R&S is an easy transition from FLL. However, it is very christian. We are very secular in our homeschooling and it was a bit of a challenge to deal with the constant moralizing etc. But, it is also a great program. My sons have figured out a way to deal with the constant references to Christianity. The substitute with whatever is their current fave fandom. These days, we sub with characters/references from Doctor Who, but a few years ago it would have been Harry Potter or Star Wars. They actually enjoy the challenge and it makes them look forward to grammar, lol. There is just so much in R&S, way more than is necessary or realistic, that we can also skip entire exercises that are wholly religious in focus.


I have also started adding in some Editor in Chief for reinforcement. It is useful for my boys because it requires them to apply their grammar. They look for errors. The only problem with EIC is for my younger, who is in FLL 3, that the EIC books don't always match up with FLL. I have to sort of bounce around the EIC 3 book to make sure that I am going over a topic covered in FLL. But, that is hardly a crisis.  

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My recommendation would be revision. My daughter allows her work to become sloppy at times which prompts me to have her rewrite the whole assignment. This usually helps her think harder about what she is working on so that she can move on to the rest of her day's work and play. If your student is truly struggling with grammar retention, I would suggest grammar drills, games, and songs to help her remember, since your materials have all been stellar ones. Hth. 

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OP, can your daughter recognize her own mistakes if she looks back over her work, after a period of time has passed from when she wrote it?  Sometimes kids get so involved in the writing process - thinking of what to write next - that correct grammar takes a backseat. Same thing with spelling, especially with younger kids.  If she can correct her own work, once she's had some "distance" from it, I wouldn't worry too much. Time will probably fix it. 


It sounds like mechanics & usage editing practice might be needed, rather than a grammar instruction problem.  But if she really needs more grammar instruction for things to click, I can vouch for Hake grammar, as someone else already mentioned, as thorough, rigorous, and complete, with spiral review in every lesson if you want to use it . . . and as a secular alternative to R&S, which is strong too. Analytical Grammar is another good middle school option.


My DS currently enjoys Daily Paragraph Editing for fun, which is good practice for developing an eye for catching these errors too.

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Hake is awesome. I liked it almost as much as FLL, but my dd didn't like it so much after spending a year on it. It's VERY thorough. Very. Thorough. So, Hake would be my suggestion, even though we aren't using it. Dd is currently using Rules of the Game from EPS, and she likes it. I think it's fine. 

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After R&S 5, I went to A Journey Through Grammarland.  It is not a traditional approach, and it is a much more gentler handling of grammar.


My dd was bored with grammar, and not yet done with mastery.


If you find R&S to be too rigorous, and you want to break free a little, try it.


A great read ... http://www.howtotutor.com/journey.htm

The link includes sample pages too.  This reminds me of Life of Fred for grammar.  :)


I would like to place a thumbs up on Analytical Grammar too ... loved it with my first.  My second child is not a workbook fan, and I homeschool so I can adjust a little, LOL.

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