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Mom in High Heels

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Okay, I just finished watching and James Bond practically had to pick me up off the floor!!!!  There was much screaming.  There is a new group called Oncers and my real thread (with lots of !!!!!!)  can be found here.  Go!  Read!  Get excited!!!!!!  Captain Swan all the way!


ETA:  Since some people can't seem to reply on the group, I'll paste what I wrote here:





Holy cow!  As soon as he said he was never meant to be a father, I looked at James Bond and yelled "HE'S PETER PAN!!!!!!!"  A few seconds later, he transformed and I screamed!  Holy beejeebers!!!!!  How crazy!  No wonder Rumple is so messed up.  How sweet were the ladies who taught him how to spin though?  I wonder if we ever find out what happens to them?


Wow, wow, wow!  Just…wow!


Okay, I'm calm (LIES!!!!), so let's talk about the episode.


When Charming threw the short sword to Hook and said something about "In case your good looks can't save you," I cracked up!  His good looks would always save him in my book.  Who knew Charming could be so funny?  


Henry is the worst kind of idiot.  Seriously.  They should just let him stay dead.  


We have to wait TWO WEEKS for the next episode‽‽‽‽‽‽  I will not make it!!!!  I need more Hook!  BTW, that was my biggest complaint this week:  Not enough Hook!  Not enough Captain Swan!


I'll be glad to wrap up the Pan story and get back to Storybrooke, though where will they go after this storyline is up?


Oh, and PLEASE tell me that the heart they put in Henry is Neil/Bae's!!!!  That would make way for the Captain Swan ship to sail away!!!!!  TWO WEEKS???  They are going to kill me!


Okay, discuss!!!!

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It won't let me reply in the Oncers thread so you will just have to listen to me ramble here.


I totally thought that Rumple's dad was Peter Pan as soon as his father mentioned that he dreamed of a place when he was a boy.  Then when they got to Neverland and the whole can't fly thing started it cemented that belief.  Then when it happened!  I almost screamed out loud.  Poor Rumple.


I definitely want to know more about the women who took in my little Rumple.  My heart breaks for the boy that he was.  And for Rumple to grow up and repeat the cycle.  So sad.  But at least he is trying to put it right.


Henry-what a dolt.  There are no words to describe what he did.  I keep trying to put myself in his place.  A young boy being told all those lies, being such a believer.  His past experience with the curse making him think he could be a savior, too; but it doesn't work.  I keep coming back to mentally challenged. Why would you believe Peter Pan over your family?  Why, Henry?  Why?


Hook-so dreamy.  His good looks will save him.  Charming needs a sword.  Definitely not enough Hook in this episode. 


Wendy-so disappointing.  I truly hope they do more with her character when they get back to Storybrooke and she is reunited with her family.







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It won't let me reply in the Oncers thread so you will just have to listen to me ramble here.


I totally thought that Rumple's dad was Peter Pan as soon as his father mentioned that he dreamed of a place when he was a boy.  Then when they got to Neverland and the whole can't fly thing started it cemented that belief.  Then when it happened!  I almost screamed out loud.  Poor Rumple.


I definitely want to know more about the women who took in my little Rumple.  My heart breaks for the boy that he was.  And for Rumple to grow up and repeat the cycle.  So sad.  But at least he is trying to put it right.


Henry-what a dolt.  There are no words to describe what he did.  I keep trying to put myself in his place.  A young boy being told all those lies, being such a believer.  His past experience with the curse making him think he could be a savior, too; but it doesn't work.  I keep coming back to mentally challenged. Why would you believe Peter Pan over your family?  Why, Henry?  Why?


Hook-so dreamy.  His good looks will save him.  Charming needs a sword.  Definitely not enough Hook in this episode. 


Wendy-so disappointing.  I truly hope they do more with her character when they get back to Storybrooke and she is reunited with her family.


Not sure why?? I will send an invite to the group but it should let you join it is open.

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