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Signing a 15mth old up for mother's day out, what do you think?

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For some reason I've struggled with all four of my girls between the ages of about 12 and 18 mths. All of mine have walked at 10 mths or so and are just into everything by a year. Once we hit around age two things have traditionally gotten much easier. Honestly it's probably a lack of child training/discipline on my part, but I'm so wishy washy at this age, when it's sometimes hard to discern (at least for me) what's being willfully done.


We're relatively new to homeschooling, having started after Christmas last year. Our youngest who has just turned 15mths is making our school routine difficult, heck she's making life difficult right now. So dh and I are considering enrolling her in our church's Mother's Day Out program for 1-2 mornings per week. The day runs from 9-1. I actually used to teach a pre-K class for them before becoming a SAHM so I know the program and staff well.


I am so uncertain about this. I feel as though this could be a selfish move on my part. I know that it will be a financial stretch. She's been battling freqent ear infections and while she's developmentally and physically on target now, she was a preemie. I vowed when leaving a full time teaching position a decade ago that I'd never use 'daycare' again. I waited until our then youngest got preschool age to take on a part time teaching position that included her and have been home completely since the birth of our fourth.


Sure, I could just keep doing school with the others, but I'm having trouble doing school the way dh and I envisioned it this year. I've tried some survival techniques like special toys and areas, pairing her with others, and even Baby Einstein. She's just not having any of it. Last year she wasn't mobile and napped twice each day. We had way more good days than bad. Now I'm just frustrated.


I feel like sending her could make all of us more productive and happier. I worry that my stress level will spread to the older girls. Somehow though I feel like it would failing. Isn't the whole point of homeschooling to train them at home?


I'd appreciate hearing about how others have handled similiar situations. Thanks also for reading this ramble.



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I went through the same feelings with my third dd. My dad came to live with us at that time. It seemed that leaving her with grandpa whenever we went somewhere was a good idea at the time, but honestly, I missed a lot of her emotional growth and regret doing that. If I could do it all over again, I'd have taken her with me everywhere. You said you feel like it's possibly a selfish move on your part. Maybe it is? I'd trust your gut. I know it was on my part. Life with little ones is never easy but the time passes quickly and your kids won't be any worse for the wear if school doesn't look perfect this year. This is a perfect time to teach her how to flow with the family and it's actitivities.



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I just decided this last week to put my 2yo ds in the same thing. It's 2 days a week, and with 3 in school now, I have to be able to achieve something without him around sometime. He is more than a handful, even though he is a very good boy. He wants to be in the middle of what we're doing all the time, and I don't have the energy or time to put together a preschool thing for him. I know the staff, I love them, they are fabulous with the kids.....and if it doesn't work, I can always pull him out.


Best of luck for you!

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Well, I sure understand. I found 8-18 months the hardest with both of mine too... That's when they're seriously mobile and able to get into all sorts of trouble, but I didn't find discipline particularly effective until they were about a year and a half. That's not to say it's impossible to discipline a toddler, but it's so much harder in the first half of the second year than after that...


Honestly though, the frequent ear infections would be a big mark for the "con" column for me... I wouldn't would to expose her to the germs in a day care environment if I could help it.

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Well, I sure understand. I found 8-18 months the hardest with both of mine too... That's when they're seriously mobile and able to get into all sorts of trouble, but I didn't find discipline particularly effective until they were about a year and a half. That's not to say it's impossible to discipline a toddler, but it's so much harder in the first half of the second year than after that...


Honestly though, the frequent ear infections would be a big mark for the "con" column for me... I wouldn't would to expose her to the germs in a day care environment if I could help it.


And for me, it's a big plus to expose to as many germs as possible as early as possible. With my youngest, I actually worry about her because she hasn't had nearly enough immune challenge for my comfort level.


We loved MMO with our first two. LOVED it. And so did they. I'd go for it if you know the people and trust that she will be loved and cared for during the time. I know when I worked MMO for a year with that age group, my friend and I just hugged and loved and entertained and had a ball playing with toddlers twice a week. It was a win-win for everyone.

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I did that with my oldest. He literally climbed the walls at home (scary!). I was pregnant with 2nd ds, and sick the whole way through, so I just couldn't give him the attention he was needing. We put him in twice a week, same idea. Wow, he and I both loved it. I adored him, but I needed the rest, and he needed a way to get his energy out in a positive way.


I didn't need that with my younger two. But with #1, it was great!

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This will be the third Friday that we have taken ds to Mother's Day Out at a local church. Even though it is not our church, the majority of the children are from our church. If it is a true Mother's Day Out, these are typically children who are at home the rest of the week which lessens the exposure to daycare type germs. Also, without the conflict of having to work, I would think the moms would be less likely to bring a sick child. I guess maybe I'm naive to think that, though.


Anyway, ours is from 8:30-12:30 only on Friday, and I must admit I don't feel guilty at all. Ds has a great time, plays with children he knows, and dd and I are able to do art or other more hands-on things that would be more challenging with him around.


It's ultimately a decision you and your dh will have to make, but I definitely do not think you should let guilt be a factor in not doing it.

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And for me, it's a big plus to expose to as many germs as possible as early as possible. With my youngest, I actually worry about her because she hasn't had nearly enough immune challenge for my comfort level.


I get that for a basically *healthy* child. I disagree when it comes to a child with chronic ear infections.

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