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Friday's Teachers Lounge on THURSDAY 11-7-2013


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Good morning (or afternoon), all!


I'm opening the Lounge today instead of tomorrow because tomorrow starts a hectic couple of days:

My homework, curling daughter's hair for tomorrow night's performance, hair appointment for me, massage appointment for her,

a red carpet(movie) event in a town an hour away for me in the evening, her performance in the evening. And that's just Friday.

Saturday I may be curling her hair once again (or not), squeezing in the Farmers Market if I can, a ladies' event at church at 10am,

daughter's call time at noon, performance at 2pm, then possibly I'll be going to the cast party for the movie that afternoon.

sunday is church, working more on my own homework, and a performance practice for my son that afternoon. I was contemplating going

to the Veteran's Day Parade downtown on Monday but this veteran may need to SLEEP on Monday!


Now off to work on my NaNoWriMo project. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.


We still have plenty of Halloween candy left over, some mandarin oranges, some fruit bowls, and crackers. Coffee and tea as always. Help yourselves!



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Oh my!  I'm exhausted just reading your post!


Thank you for including the word "Thursday" in the thread title...I panicked when I read "Friday" thinking I'd lost a day and ds missed worked...four words later everything was fine...ha!


Yes, I do panic quickly and yes, I'm working on that!


Have a great weekend!

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