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LOL! I luv the dread smiley.

So, I went to Supercuts and they sectioned my hair for me- woo-hoo! So I'll start dreading my locks this afternoon, right now I am on hold to get a Dr.'s appt for 6yos, he has a sore throat and I want to make sure it's not strep- I do HATE going there though- we always seem to pick up another bug.

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I will post pis on my blog when they're done :D

(BTW, I bleached my 13yod's hair, she got a pixie cut, and then I put the black and green dye in her hair for her a few months ago- She wanted the emo look but I can't stand when she has her hair in her face (she won't make eye contact and will hide behind her hair if she's "in trouble") so she settle for the pixie cut and dye.)

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When I read Nancypants' post, I just about choked on my coffee and my eyes bugged out of my head because I thought she was talking about her husband, and I said to myself, "Wait a minute, isn't she a pastor's wife?" before I got to the part where it was obvious she was talking about dreads, not you-know-whats.


No offense, Nancypants. My mind was on truck bumpers at the time.




p.s. I had to laugh at the placement of some of the posts in this thread, when the two topics started to merge it looked like this (no offense to nancypants here...) "While I think they look cool (on the right person) I cannot even think about the germs without getting a sick feeling in my stomach." Hee.
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I wanted a female dog. My husband wanted (and we got) a male dog. He has to either wear underpants or get neutered, I said. So my dog is a eunuch. I'm weird about having things dangling out in the open even if they are on a dog, okay?:D


And as the host mentioned you see just as much walking behind a great dane. And I can explain that to my child.
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LOL, I'm not buying the "animal" explanation. The caption for the black pair (on that trucknutz website) is "Hang 'em if you got a pair!" Since great danes don't drive trucks, I'm thinking they're supposed to represent human testes. I don't care what the radio host claims. LOL


I've seen them on a few trucks around here. I always want to point and laugh, but I'm scare to do so. The man in the big truck with his big, well, you know, may also have a big gun. LOL


Yeah, your probably right.


The way the move when people drive just creeps me out something terrible. I still remember when I realized what exactly they were.:eek:

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Because I love the way they look (the clean ones, not the nasty ones that are dreaded due to neglect), and I've always wanted them. I have about 11 more to go and then all my hair will be dreaded, :D

I also feel that they represent an alternative lifestyle, or at least an alternative life choice.

For me they will be my reminder to Love others, to be compassionate and responsive to other people I encounter in my day to day life. :)

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The way this conversation unfolded and turned into a conversation about dreadlocks and/or truck, ahem, decorations, has been very, very funny.:D The posts have alternated between the two topics and if you did not know better you would think that j.griff has something very different in mind for her hair. :eek:


Who wants to start a fresh thread on those truck decorations? Not me, I don't want people searching for "All threads by Kelli in TN" and finding that.:o


Anyway I just thought the back and forth was so humorous.:D

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I'm curious as to y'alls opinions of them- love them? hate them? want them? are you scared of people who have them? do you think they are nasty?


I have a dreading kit, and I have wanted to have dreadlocks for a long time. :D I will (hopefully) be dreading my own hair soon (if I can get dd and dh to divide it into sections for me- I just AIN'T that coordinated LOL).

I wonder how many hsing moms will freak when they meet me, LOL. I wonder how my extended family will react when they see me with them this summer. :D :eek:

Anyhoo- what do you think?



Depends. Are you white or AA? I think they rock on AA's, but dreads can look a bit contrived on Caucasians. I don't understand why they'd scare anybody, but I suppose I live in an urban area and am not bothered by unique expressions in outward appearances. When I have visited Jamaica, dreads seem to be worn by the pot-smokin' Rasta types, so that may be an association you will have to live with. :D


I think they would look so cool on my dd. Her naturally curly hair is a pain to deal with. However, I'm not sure how AA's generally feel when they see Caucasians wear dreads, and that is something I would consider. I live in a mixed area. I will have to ask!

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I'm one of probably very few African American homeschoolers on this board and I have to say I was quite taken aback by several of the replies to this thread. Here are my thoughts...Jenn, I do not know what nationality you are, but that does not matter. You seem to have made up your mind that you want to lock your hair, so do it...Who cares what anyone else thinks. (And I mean that in a nice way.) It's your hair, right? To thine own self be true. I do not have dreads, but I live in Northern California where it is not at all uncommon to see blacks, whites, even some Asians with dreads. I've seen homeless people with dreads (yes, their hair looked terribly matted and dirty, but hey they were homeless!) I've seen business people with dreads and believe it or not I had the pleasure of running into Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Alice Walker (Please tell me you know who *she* is!) a few years ago at a park in a community not too far from where I live and yes, she had dreads and they were as beautiful as she is. So, what do you think Alice Walker would think if she read this thread? You do not need to fear people because of the style they choose to wear their hair in. Someone said she did not know why anyone would want to wear dreads. Well let me explain. There are a myriad number of reasons why people choose to wear them. For one, Black people have realized in recent years that we can embrace our natural Black beauty in this Euro-centric culture that we live in and we can hold our heads high all the while regardless of what anyone else thinks. Blacks are proud of their dreads. It symbolizes much more than many others realize. Whites and others who choose this style have been able to look beyond what society deems as beautiful and do their own thang. I assure you, they are not marching to the beat of the same drummer that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are marching to. Uh-Uh. These folks have stepped outside of the box big time and I say, "Right on!" As a homeschooler haven't *you* stepped outside of the box? Judge not, lest ye be judged. In honor of Black History month, search yourself. Are you sure you're not judging people, all people---not just Blacks---based on their appearance (skin, hair, weight?) And here's another question I have, how natural is *your* hair? Do you color it? Perm it? Weave it? Spend a long time getting it to do just the right thing so you can go outdoors and feel okay? How much time and money do you think you would save if *you* just went natural? Go grad a cuppa somethin' somethin' and read this again. All the best!

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This does not add anything of value to this conversation, but I was in church yesterday and started thinking about you, j.griff, just because one our praise and worship leaders has the most gorgeous dreads!!


Proof positive that this message board is encroaching on my real life!!:D


Anyway, his just brush his collar and they always look so neat and tidy. His hair always looks clean, he always looks pulled together. Unlike me, I show up at church in all sorts of untidy states of being!!:(

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