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Anybody else moved states in High School with Homeschooling

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I am getting nervous again. I had her school just about planned out. Most of her work this year was going to be directed by the Homeschool Academy with math and Spanish either with me or online. DH will be promoted and soon. We will likely be moving before the school year is out and maybe before Christmas. Depending where and when, there is certainly a chance and maybe a very strong chance, that she will move at least twice in the remaining three years of high school. I moved once with an overseas move between 10th and 11th and it was difficult with my oldest. That was from a low reg state to a no reg area with us having an umbrella school. This time we have a med reg to ? to ?. I feel like I should have her visiting colleges in case we go overseas again but at least she has visited one unlike her brother who simply refused. Any advice from anyone who has been there/done that?

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Not advice so much as sympathy. During my oldest dd's high school "career" we added 2 more babies so I was either pg or nursing the entire 4 years of her high school, my dh lived in a different city during the week for 1 1/2 yrs and then we made an across country move during her soph. year and stayed in temp housing 3 mths before moving to our present home. She traveled internationally (with others) 3 x's in 3 1/2 years - it was chaotic to say the least.

We had a lot of conflict over school (her and I). Hmm... go figure :)

In hindsite I wish that I had taken my expectations of academics down to bare-bones, while still expecting her to produce and focused more on enrichment things with her- building the relationship and still creating a learning environment. She was at a place in life where if I suggested or expected from her it.was.not.goigng.to.happen. -kwim ;)

Fast forward a couple of years. She is 2 births away from a Doula cert, is now conversant in 3 languages (besides Eng), has gone overseas 2 more times, has raised over 10K in financial support for missions, is attending an accredited college on a full ride 4-yr scholarship. It worked out. But, she ended up doing it HER way. I think it would have been better, given her personality, to give her more say in what she was going to do and loosened up on the conventional time-table (she is a freshman this year, at 21).

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We moved to ME and then AR while my 18 yo was in high school. What we did was plan a college prep course for him that would be accepted basically anywhere he applied, because we weren't sure where we'd be. Once he had decided on a few schools, we called and found out what those schools required and tweaked where needed.

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I don't know that I have any advice, but I can certainly provide understanding and sympathy. We moved across the country just before our oldest was starting high school. That ultimately turned out to be a great move. Both my kids settled into a wonderful, active homeschool teen group where they made many friends and had numerous activities. Four and a half years later, a year ago, we moved half way across the country right after our oldest (son) graduated and our youngest's (daughter) sophomore year. The move was much harder on her. While her brother would have been leaving and settling into college life anyway, she was missing her friends and having a difficult time finding a place to fit-in in our new area. What she ended up doing was working hard this past year and summer in order to graduate early and will be going full time to a local CC this fall. Since she turns 18 in September, it was a viable option for her and perhaps the best option. She was ready to move on.

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We moved to ME and then AR while my 18 yo was in high school. What we did was plan a college prep course for him that would be accepted basically anywhere he applied, because we weren't sure where we'd be. Once he had decided on a few schools, we called and found out what those schools required and tweaked where needed.


This is what we did as well. If you are going to use outside resources you need to make sure that they are options that will be available no matter where you move.

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I moved from FL to SC between my son's 9th grade and 10th grade year. Before the move I looked up everything I could find about the laws on homeschooling in SC. I found out that I had several options, so I chose an umbrella school that was in the town close to my move. I had already determined a course of study by looking at many colleges plus my own transcript. Our move was quite fortunate for my homeschooled teen. We moved from an area where all the local homeschool teenagers quit homeschooling by the end of 8th grade to a homeschool co-op full of homeschooled teens! The public schools are so bad around here that there is a high percentage of homeschoolers in our new location.


I hope that you have a very good move and that everything will work out for you.



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I would investigate the graduation requirements of any states that you think might be on the radar. We moved in the middle of ds's 10th grade yr. I am thankful we moved earlier than later. The grad requirements here are significantly different than TN. We will be finishing up a history credit this week that he has had to do over the summer to catch up in history credits.

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