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Link me to Mr. Q threads?


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I'm not sure about threads, but we are using the elementary chem book right now and we like it a lot. i bought it last winter when he had a 50% off sale. I find the information is more in depth than a lot of other chemistry texts for the age level, which is what we wanted. It's also written in a fun enough way to make it enjoyable for the kids. We don't use all the worksheets, maybe one or two from each unit. I turned it into an open-and-go program by printing out the material list and assembling all the experiment materials for the year in a set of storage drawers. The boys can quickly and easily do all the experiments without hunting down materials and with only minimal help from me or DH. We read the material and do a worksheet one day. We do the review questions and the experiments the other two days, and we often seek out Youtube videos to get deeper into the subject. I especially like how he explains the experiments and how they tie into the lesson. Other chem curriculum I looked at seemed to randomly throw in experiments that were only loosely tied to the lesson, and provided minimal explanations. So far, all the experiments have worked, which is more than I can say about other things we have tried. My kids are showing good retention of the material and really enjoying it.

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Last year the sale ran around mid-January.  I found out about it here and am anxiously waiting for it again so I can get the next year's program.  We're really liking the chemistry this year for third and sixth grade.  I'd rank it around a fourth to fifth grade level.  It's very easy for my sixth grader but is giving her the information.  The review sheets are harder for my third grader, but I think that is largely because I read it out loud to them, and he is not an auditory learner; I think his mind wanders.  (In contrast, he quotes SOTW and the Usborne Encyclopedia to me after he reads them to himself for history.  I have offered to let him read Mr. Q himself, but he wants to do it out loud.  We find it helps if we go over the vocabulary words for several days, but maybe I'll write down the words and have him listen for them for the next chapter.)  It would make great rabbit trails if you want to extend any of the topics.  But most importantly, science is getting done, and everyone likes it.  The experiments are fun, and even the littles can enjoy them -- after all, who doesn't like making molecules out of gumdrops and setting things on fire, LOL? :)

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