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What did Jane Austen read?

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Ds19 just asked me this and I wasn't quite sure how to answer him. I read somewhere, can't remember where now, that she read some epistolary novels by someone, can't remember who now, and she must have read a gothic novel or two. Anyone have any specific titles? I'd love to know, too.


When I google this question, all I get are Jane Austen's novels:001_huh:.

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Epistolary novels were very popular, and Clarissa is the original. Go ahead and read an abridged version; you'll never know the difference. Pamela is another famous one.


The classic Gothic novels would include Mrs. Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho ("the horrid black veil!") and The Italian, and Walpole's Castle of Otranto.


You'd also want to read Fanny Burney's Evelina and Cecilia, and perhaps Fielding's comedy classic Tom Jones, which is a little less refined.


Those are all famous titles which you can get at the library.

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Hee, yes, Northanger Abbey poked fun at the Gothic novels, esp. Udolpho, which was a smash hit of the time. Very Twilight.


Pamela is a novel about a young girl preserving her virtue in the face of difficulty (in the form of an insistent master in the house she serves in). Very topical for its day!


Oh yeah, and Samuel Johnson definitely goes on the list. Try some of his magazine articles, like the Rambler/

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