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Ideas for food to pack for a trip?


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My family likes those roll-ups - spread some cream cheese on a tortilla, sprinkle on some chives, garlic powder, whatever, lay thin ham slices over, and roll it, refrigerate, then cut into bites.  It doesn't matter if they get squished like it would for a sandwich.  That plus some baby carrots makes a decent lunch.  I've also often made tuna salad and brought a box of crackers to dip instead of bread.

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What sort of cooking facilities (if any) will be available?


I would want to maximize space in the cooler, so look at things like shelf stable individual servings of milk or juice, individual servings of fruit in juice or fresh fruit that won't spoil easily, crackers or flatbread or tortillas for sandwiches instead of bread, etc rather than something that will continue to take up a lot of space even as you use part of it up. If you want the milk or fruit cold, you can always pop a serving each in the cooler and replace them from your stash as they are used. Peanut butter is good for sandwiches and hearty muffins (sweet or savory) can be used for breakfast or snacks. Hard boiled eggs can be eaten as is or sliced for sandwiches.

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We are going to be gone this weekend and to save some money and eat a little healthier, I'd like to pack a cooler with food for while we're gone. Anyone have tried and true favorites for this? Something easy to pack? Thanks.


Hummus, PBJ, apple slices (or apples and a knife) or other fruits, yogurt, applesauce, nuts, edamame, muffins - pack them with nuts and fruit, cheese (hard or spreadable, brie or goat cheese are nice), good bread, carrots, peppers cut into strips, pretzels, canned tuna or salmon, crackers, oatmeal raisin chocolate chip cookies.  


Water bottles for everyone (no mess).


For the first meal or two you can also have lunchmeat sandwiches.


Take ziploc bags you can refill with ice to keep things cool for several days.  Or freeze some water bottles to act as ice packs.

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People here like to make fun of me for this, but we buy Bush's Baked Beans in a little can with a pop-top.  We went to their welcome center one time and they had them in a display with a spoon near them and we needed a little something so we said "why not."  Now I always keep them on hand so that when we need something to go, we grab them and eat them right out of the can.  It is not super cheap as they are $1.00 each, but add some fruit and it makes a good meal for much less then fast-food.  .  

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