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Beginning Music Lessons


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My DS will be five in January, and DH and  I are considering buying him an acoustic guitar for Christmas. We went to a  music store to check out a few guitars, but we are still looking around. I originally wanted the kids to start on piano first, but I don't think we can afford lessons, and/or justify the purchase of the piano. (We also may be moving in the next year or so, and I'm not sure I want to try and move a piano twice) 


My DH can play guitar well (we have several acoustic and electric guitars), and is more than willing (and interested) to sit down with DS to give him lessons on guitar, but we are not so sure about age-appropriate/engaging material. The kids have already gotten exposure to DH playing guitar, and they "play" along with him, so I think this is the next best step for now... 


I am about as non-musical as people come, so I am looking for suggestions (or curriculum) for teaching guitar. Maybe I can get DH to sit down and teach me - haha! 


I'll also need to find a "Dummies Guide to Buying a Piano" at some point because I am in wayy over my head! 





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Since your husband is interested in teaching, I would look at the Suzuki Guitar books.  The Suzuki guitar school near my home starts kids at age 3.


For buying a piano book, I would borrow this from the library.  The edition does not matter that much.

The Piano Book: Buying & Owning a New or Used Piano by Larry Fine.


The same author has a free book you can read online "Acoustic and Digital Piano Buyer"


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I'll also need to find a "Dummies Guide to Buying a Piano" at some point because I am in wayy over my head! 


We got a huge deal on our piano by buying it used from a local university.  The sale was not well-publicized -- sort of an insider thing.  I think we got a flyer from another teacher.  Some (definitely not all) music departments regularly rotate out their practice room pianos and sell them to the public.  Ours was used for maybe a year or two and was in great shape.

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One thing you might consider temporarily is buying an electric keyboard from a pawn shop or on clearance at a music store.  We didn't initially have room or the money for a piano so we got our kids an electric keyboard.  I also signed them up for Simply Music on-line piano lessons through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op.  The program is non-traditional, but it is truly wonderful!  We had done it as just a stop-gap measure until we were in a position to get a real piano and "real lessons".  We may still get the real piano, but the Simply Music lessons, if you follow exactly as the teacher instructs, are truly amazing.  My daughter was playing a music piece with both hands at the end of the first week, and knew the letters of each key and where middle c was and correct finger placement.  By the end of the second week she was composing her own two handed simple tunes and LOVING her piano lessons.  Because the keyboard is not terribly huge, she carries it with her and goes off into corners to work on her lessons, create new songs, play with the various sounds available to see what would work best for the mood of the piece, etc.  She practices without my ever having to remind her.  I took years of lessons and honestly I wish with all my heart I had had this program instead.  

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