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Long shot. Has anyone taken the mini pill(Micronor)


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I started this pill last month. I spotted for a few days, and got what I assume was my period on Day 25. Around the same time I usually get it. It was a lot lighter then my normal periods. But the cramps? Just debilitating. Horrible. So I just get done with my period a week ago Thursday. And I get my period AGAIN on Thursday. Such severe cramps that I have to go back to bed. And the bleeding was so much heavier. About the same as I get when not on Micronor.My husband thinks I should stick with it and see if it gets better. I am on my firt week on the second pack. I am taking this because I cannot take regular bc pills.(I am 45 with high blood pressure). I already tried Mirena and that did not work. My regular periods are not horrible, but annoying as I bleed heavier on day 2. But at least I could leave my house and was not doubled up in such pain.


My concern is what happens if I just stop taking this? Will I bleed for a long period of time? I struggle with anemia, and I have had it under control with just taking an iron pill and a prenatal vitamin. Now I fear that if I come off of this, I am going to bleed more and my iron stores will plummet again. I am so angry at myself for trying these. I should have left well enough alone and let nature take its course.


I also noticed I do not see as well with my contact lenses. That is kind of freaking me out.


So I don't know if I should stay on this and see if things get better. Or just deep 6 this stuff and deal with my periods that really were not all that horrific to begin with. I just hated my period on day 2 where I would bleed heavier(But not soak a pad every hour). And by day 3 it was cut in half.


Ugh. So disgusted. I do not want an ablation, so please do not mention this. Would like feedback from those who have taken this, or know someone who has. Thanks muchly!

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Wondering if the side effects will die down in time. It is really the horrific cramps. I am not taking this for BC, I am taking this to see if it would slow the bleeding down. But it sure didn't do that this second time in only a week. I just had it last week. UGH.

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It's really annoying. I think I am going to stop taking it. I already had two periods with only a 6 day break in between. Now, if I stop. I assume I am going to start bleeding all over again? I am SO SO done with any kind of artificial hormones. I think I am just going to let nature take its course. Before I took this pill, I could at least function.

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