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DD's comments on trimathlon


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"Next time, I need to review easy stuff more and go slower, but I still had fun". Lots of kids in her age group, and good enough scores overall that miscopying an answer over (based on her scratch paper, she read a 7 in her notes as a 9) and misreading a problem was enough to knock her down.

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We always have such similar experiences. DD didn't medal this year either and simple errors on 2 easy problems were the difference. This year was much different than last year. We went a location an hour away because the one we went to last year didn't do it this year. This location was much larger. They did each grade individually and parents had to leave the building during the testing. There was a starbucks next door. 


Last year all the kids were at the same time and there were about 5 or 6 per grade. There were 12 in her group this year. I discovered after it was over that this particular location was the first to come up with the contest idea and they have been doing it for many years on their own before it became a nationwide thing. There were lots of repeat students and many of the students were tutored in this location which probably gave them a small advantage. The person who runs the facility is an actual mathematition not an education person so dd really enjoyed his talks before and after and his "jokes".


Another difference was that they had them work in pen and said not to make any changes to your answers. That messed with dd's head a bit since she likes to work quickly and then check her work.


Overall, it was a good experience. The kids who were there seemed a bit more enthusiastic about math than last year (probably because they were students of the owner who tutors them). Also, this is the first thing dd has ever entered and not won so it was a good life lesson for her.  

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Glad she had fun and learned from her experience!  My daughter took her first ever formal test today and normally crumbles with anxiety.  (Well, actually first test if we don't count the practice test she did earlier this week.  We don't do tests yet).  She actually had never done a single math problem without me sitting right next to her until this past Monday.  I had her do two pages of the practice test then. And she was in tears since she stumbled on fractions and got that single problem wrong.  The next day went better and she said she did want to do the competition.  The next day, she was in tears stressed out again.  So, I was please that she woke up this morning not stressed out.  They took the kids into the Mathnasium building without the parents - this is HUGE for her since she has some social anxiety issues and I'm her security blanket.  She placed 1st out of about 14 kids.  But that's not what I'm proud of - a careless error or two wouldn't have changed her effort.  I am immensely proud that she did not turn into a puddle of tears at any point and that she was able to get through her first formal test just like any typical kid.  I've almost had her evaluated for therapy many times due to her being such an anxiety-ridden perfectionist and some social issues too.  But every now and then, she does something that shows me she's moving forward.  Today was the biggest leap forward that she has ever taken!

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My kiddo placed 3 rd for his grade. It was his first competition and went in without any prep since sample questions were not given. He was so proud of himself he went to bed last night with the medal around his neck. I was very surprised he placed but he has made it a habit of surprising me this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My son also participated for the first time this year. He took first place at our center. For those of you who have done this before, when do we hear about the national results?


Thank you


edited to add: There were 8 kids at 2nd grade level. Only one was a student. She did not place.

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DD9 did it fore the second time this year. She enjoyed it. She didn't place, but it's super competitive. Last year our center had a national winner and she along with most of the other kids attend the center. I was happy to see she hit a perfect score on the magic squares. Mathnasium really works for her send me (outsourcing enrichment)

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