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Henle Latin after a 1.5-2 year Latin Lull?

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We're going to pick up Latin again, after having finished Lively Latin about 2 years ago. I have Henle, but I'm wondering if I should ease in with GSWL and then move to Henle? 


I also want to make sure I have what I need to start Henle. I have the First Year and Grammar texts, Answer Key, and the MP Cheryl Lowe Study Guide. Do I need anything else?

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Thanks for your help.  It appears I have this answer key:




....so the Seton key is different?


Looking at the CBD site, I see there is also a quiz and test book. Is that something I should pick up  as well?

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Yes, I'd just dive in.  You can always go faster if you find that the MP guide is too slow with their day-by-day breakdown.  One of mine did each of their weeks in three days. The MP guides include a cumulative exam.


The Henle Answer Keys don't include exercises that can easily be checked with the books.  For example, he'll have you decline four nouns.  If you know the declension, you can just check your work with the grammar book.  The first MP guide also has all of the answers in the back.  If I remember correctly, the second one does not. When I taught the Henle II book, that was tougher, so I did buy one from Mother of Divine Grace which has all of the missing answers not in the original Henle keys for both Henle I and II.

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