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How do you find a midwife? I'm in San Jose Area


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I am pregnant with our 3rd child. I had a c-section with my first after pushing for 3 hours. Big baby. 10 lbs. Had my membranes stripped to get labor going after being a day or so late, got an epidural, halted labor, needed to be induced to get labor started again, tried to push outa big baby but had limited success since I had little mobility. Birthing classes I took at the hospital were a joke.


2nd baby scheduled c-section. I thought of doing a vbac but was petrified of going through another 27 hour labor only to end in a c-section. My little guy was scheduled 2 weeks early and weighed 9 lbs 1 oz.


I would like to try a vbac but don't know where to start. It is almost certain my baby will be big. I feel like natural birth is the best way to go for me to birth a large baby. I also feel like I need support and much more training in how to work through labor. I also don't want to be pressured by doctors and family the way I was with my first two births to basically get as much medical intervention as possible.



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I would start by contacting a doula group, or le leche league and see if there are any they recommend. You can also do a google search and find a few who share your philosophy and get opinions on specific ones.


I'd recommend getting a doula, and consider an birthing class. Something NOT run through the hospital or Lamaze style. You could read a few books to find what you like first- Birthing From Within, Hypnobirthing, Hypno-babies, just for starters.


As far as feeling pressured goes, I'll tell you what I tell my doula clients. YOU are the boss, they work for you. You are free at anytime to tell the docs you need more time or need more information of a certain procedure. There really isn't any procedure you can't deny. You can even get up and walk right out of the hospital.

I always stress that last sentence just to illustrate a point. Point being that the mother has all the control!

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I found my MW for babies three and four by asking on mothering.com. Since you want a VBAC, you may need a CPM instead of a CNM, and sometimes they practice somewhat underground, depending on your state. Word of mouth via mothering.com will probably get you some. There's also MANA.org, I think it is -- Midwife Alliance of North America, and that might help. I found my MW for baby number five by googling and then googling specific names once I had a list. Aso, I belong to two local Facebook groups, one for babywearing support and the other for LLL/breastfeeding support, and we often have people asking for MW recommendations, so you might try those types of groups too. Good luck; I've used a MW for each of my pregnancies and have been nothing but pleased!

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