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Math in Focus or Singapore Math

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Which grades? Singapore DM has an "integrated" approach at the secondary level (grades 7+). So there are no separate pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and pre-calculus books. DM 7 covers pre-algebra, and the easier parts of algebra 1 & geometry. DM 8 has more algebra 1, geometry, and some of the easier topics of algebra 2. DM 3 (or 9 if they decide to revise it) covers more geometry and algebra 2. DM 4 has statistics, advanced algebra, some consumer math, and then a review of the topics in the previous levels.


The reason I chose Singapore DM is that it is a very rigorous program. It is way more intellectually challenging than the standard CA-approved pre-algebra and algebra 1 textbooks. It isn't the only challenging program out there (Art of Problem Solving is another good one), but it's the one that seemed the best "fit" for my DD.


ETA: The big downside to DM is the lack of guidance for the teacher. The TM's are basically just solutions' manuals and sometimes I have to wait for my DH to come home to explain something. I don't know how far we'll get in DM for that reason. Right now I'm planning to take my DD at least through DM 8 and the geometry section of DM 9. I very well might need to outsource the harder algebra 2 topics but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


The middle grade books of MiF appear to be new and I don't know anything about them.

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Thanks a lot for your reply. My oldest is only in 3rd grade and have been doing Right Start, fairly sporadically along with waldorf-based hands on maths until now. Due to a lot of disruptions from moving house with another one coming up soon, the last thankfully, I don't feel like we've delved into RS properly and got the most of out of it. But, I am wanting to catch up my son with math as he is currently at 2nd grade level I'd say. RS is heavily scripted and requires a lot of parent involvement... for the next year anyway I'm wondering if there is a good and thorough math curriculum that will take my son fairly quickly through the 2nd and 3rd and doesn't require too much prep on my part, beforehand. I will sit with him no doubt while he is working at it. 


So I like the sound of Singapore math being rigorous and am wondering how MIF differs, if any. My son is bright though not overly math. I think he needs some drill or practice with the four operations and any other new concepts he may learn. 

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Thanks a lot for your reply. My oldest is only in 3rd grade and have been doing Right Start, fairly sporadically along with waldorf-based hands on maths until now. Due to some disruptions from moving house over the past couple of years with another one coming up soon, the last thankfully, I don't feel like we've delved into RS properly and got the most of out of it. But, I am wanting to catch up my son with math as he is currently at 2nd grade level I'd say. RS is heavily scripted and requires a lot of parent involvement... for the next year anyway I'm wondering if there is a good and thorough math curriculum that will take my son fairly quickly through the 2nd and 3rd and doesn't require too much prep on my part, beforehand. I will sit with him no doubt while he is working at it. 


So I like the sound of Singapore math being rigorous and am wondering how MIF differs, if any. My son is bright though not overly math. I think he needs some drill or practice with the four operations and any other new concepts he may learn. 

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I took a look at the Table of Contents for the grade 4 of MIF on the Christianboook site. I have Standards 4a and 4b on my shelf. I noticed there is a difference in how much is covered in Decimals, with MIF not covering multiplication and division, and Standards does. There also seemed to be more fluff. I'm not sure if MIF is a less advanced, but I like the format of Standards better.


I agree with maize. I think you should look at Math Mammoth. Start with the placement tests, and don't be deterred if you need to start at a lower level and power through.

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Thank you kindly everyone. Your replies have helped me a lot. I'm pretty much convinced that I will not be getting MIF and now it's down to SM and MM.

I really like the work text format of Math Mammoth, I find it simpler than switching between books as we did with Singapore. In my household the easier a program is to implement the more likely it is to get done every day. I buy the printed texts so I don't even have to print things out. Math Mammoth is also more incremental in its teaching than Singapore, which is helpful for kids who don't easily make conceptual leaps. Singapore has a nicer layout though.

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