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Primary Language Lessons, this expensive??


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ok, that's overpriced...right??

Do I need to get the newer version, the old one isn't color I realize. Is the content different?


I'm not sure that is the "Primary Language Lessons" you are looking for. This is another website for it:



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Try the My Father's World website. They sell PLL and ILL. I actually bought PLL from Barnes & Noble. I had my local store order it for me so I could save with my 20% homeschooler discount. They are out of stock on ILL so they couldn't order it. I won't need it for two years anyway so I'll probably just order it from MFW later this year.



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Thanks everyone. I didn't think that could be right. What's up with amazon not having the regular version, I wonder.


While I have your ear, do you think I really need this with a second grader doing Tapestry of Grace's composition program? We're also doing a copybook I downloaded from Lulu that I was mainly using for handwriting. Now though, I'm thinking I might not NEED to add in PLL. She's quite bright and finishes her work quickly so it wouldn't hurt her, I just don't want redundancy.

Thanks for your thoughts.

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It provides a different element than Writing Aids has, of course it is more Charlotte Mason. We have WA and PLL and I've put off WA to do PLL and ILL and will add in Writing Aids when I feel it's appropriate. We're already doing so much from WA without even trying to, notebooking (aka Making Books), a few other projects.


I think doing both fully as they are written is too much but what ever balance you want to strike is up to you and your goals. :)

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Are you incorporating notebooking as part of history with TOG? And btw, is that the same as lapbooking but in a notebook?


I'm asking because I'm looking to add some hands on fun type reinforcement to TOG for my UG and LG children but not sure which way to go. If notebooking, that would help with the LA component of our school too.


If you ARE notebooking with history, you might as well tell me what you're using, 'cause that will be my next ??;)


Annnnnd...two more ?s

I've looked at WA for her level, maybe it would be best to wait. So with a 2nd grader if I were doing copywork, (whatever I decide to use) notebooking program with history, a science notebook and PLL we'd be covered for LA except for literature?


Did you find your second grader needed more literature? Our week suggestion is a little picture book and my 2nd grader is asking me what to read now? (It's only Monday!) Were you using AO rec's with TOG?

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Lapbooking and notebooking are different. Notebooking does not include cut/paste and is usually done on regular paper or predesigned form. The Loom has Response Pages that you can use for notebooking, other samples are at http://www.historyscribe.com, http://www.holdthatthought.com plus many others. It is practically a written narration. If you look under Making Books in your Writing Aids, it explains more.


Lapbooks are just another way to organize information, putting factoids into cute flip-ups and are sometimes done in a manilla folder. I'm not sure but I don't think there's much student output other than coloring, cut and paste with lapbooks- I could be mistaken. I don't like lapbooks personally but I could be telling you wrong.


Notebooking could help with narrations. I'm not really notebooking with history anymore, when we were, we used http://www.historyscribe.com. We're just reading, talking about it, doing the geography threads, SAP and possibly a project or paper craft. I love building dioramas or something to illustrate what we learned. (Yeah, I'm a TOG student too ;) )


If you waited on WA the rest you have listed would be fine. My dd8 hasn't need more literature than what TOG provides, it's been great. I have my own dd8 pick her own independent reading with an occasional assigned reading from TOG or Science.


I'm not combining any other history with TOG, I reference AO and Mater Amabilis for ideas in many areas but since using TOG- that portion of our homeschool is well taken care of. I do check Writing Aids to see if there something we're not covering in PLL to keep it in mind to add in. We started TOG mid-year last year and I didn't want to change too many things by adding WA too.


If you're asking about using AO for literature selections, by all means- they have fabulous suggestions! So does Mater Amabilis (Catholic Charlotte Mason). Don't forget to look over in the Upper Grammar column to see if there's something there to read, we sometimes borrow a read aloud from there.


:) Hope this helps!

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