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SL or TOG?


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Hi all, 


I have been a long time lurker, but finally decided I needed to ask some questions. :)  We started our first year, year round homeschooling mid Feb when we pulled EDS out of 1st grade ps.  I was very drawn to SL, and chose core A and LA2.  I figured my almost K aged DS would join in when he was ready.  

Here we are, almost ready to move onto our new "year" and I am really struggling w/ what to do.  I dropped SL LA2  early on.  I hated it, EDS hated it, it wasn't working for us.  I found FLL and WWE and we started them about 2 months ago and things are going great!  I also added in Apples and Pears b/c EDS is not a natural speller and, wow, what a difference.  So I am set w/ LA. :)


I *want* to use SL again, but I ended up throwing out almost all the spine in Core A.  It was too overtly religious.  We are spiritual, leaning towards christianity (does that term exist???), and it was too religious for us, plus the missionary book was too intense for my sensitive son.  I want my kids to learn about Jesus, but not as a main history lesson every week, kwim?   We have been using a unit of MBtP and while EDS likes it, I don't feel it is enough for him, just "fun" busy work and really no history.  


I picked up a used copy of TOG year 2 recently.  I read through the first unit and I really like it.  I feel confident it would be an excellent choice for my book loving EDS, and hands on enough to capture the interest of my hands on YDS.  I ordered some of the spine books, and having flipped through them I feel they are not too religious.  My problem w/ TOG comes down to year one.  It seems all church doctrine and very highly religious.  Oh, and I don't mind the planning, I have already started working on TOG lesson plans and since my kids are still in LG we will mainly read the books, talk about them and do some of the hands on activities, plus throw in SL read alouds.  I also think in the long run TOG looks more rigorous, and ultimately what I am looking to accomplish with my children in the upper grades will be better reached with TOG.


Anyone out there use TOG but a bit more secular?  What to you do come year one?  I don't mind some religion, but I do not want that to be the bulk of our history lesson.  I thought about using the SOTW books for year one?  Alternatively, does SL Core B become a bit more history focused or is it still very mission/religion focused?  The books on the website look to be a little more history focused, but some I am not familiar with so I wasn't sure.


Thanks for any input, I really appreciate it!






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We are Christian, but year one is too Bible heavy for me. Year 1 is looking like this:


Weeks 1-3 ~ Prehistory


4-8 ~ Ancient Egypt


9 ~ Bible (TOG weeks 5-9)


10 ~ Ancient India


11~ Ancient China


12-13 ~ Ancient America


14-15 ~ Ancient Greece


16-17 ~ Bible (TOG weeks 15-21)


18-21 ~ Ancient Greece


22-30 ~ Ancient Rome


We had some family issues that necessitated a shortened school year.  6 weeks could easily be added by extending any of these topics. I just condensed the Bible only weeks and extended the other weeks. 


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You can easily extend other topics to fill in the Bible-based weeks in year one, at least at the grammar stage. I also did weeks 4-6 (early history), then 1-3 (Egypt) to put them in chronological order instead of their idea of looking at it through Moses' eyes. Again, very easy to do. We left SL after completing Core A (and had also dropped out of LA2) and am so happy we did.

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I would suggest with the ages that you have, that you use SOTW as your spine for Year 1.  It is listed as an alternate book, so it is already planned out for you.  


I agree with tracymirko - SOTW as your spine. Make sure you are looking at the alternate books. Also, you could shift around weeks like suggested above if that is still too much time spent on Biblical history. Egypt, Greece and Rome are all things that could easily be extended to fill, with a lot of fun projects to boot.

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It sounds like there are several parts to both programs that you don't like. If you are already switching out various parts, why not put together your own curriculum instead of using a boxed package?


It sounds like you have LA covered. You can easily follow booklists for read alouds and readers without paying for a program.


The math component of these programs is usually something standalone that you can purchase elsewhere.


SOTW sounds like it would suit your family much more than the history that comes with the packages.


What remains in the package that you would need/want to replicate? Maybe we could help you brainstorm ideas of what you could replace so you wouldn't need to purchase a program that you are mostly not using.

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Thank you so much for all your responses!  I think studying the ancients and bypassing the bible weeks in year one is a great answer to what I am hoping to accomplish, thanks!  I could also easily add in SOTW, I was unaware that was an alternate book.


EDS and I really enjoy the SL read alouds, so  I think I will see what I can get from the library along w/ our TOG books.  I better get cracking if we plan to start next week! :)


We are already doing MUS Beta (EDS) and Primer (YDS), and will continue on w/ those, along w/ Dancing Bears for YDS.  


Any other suggestions are welcomed as well! :)

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Core B is MUCH more history focused. I am a Christian, but Core A's Good News did not belong in the history section and the stories frequently made me go, "Huh? What was the point of that?"


If you have liked Sonlight other than primarily that book, Core B should be a good choice. You could always try it and take advantage of their guarantee if needed. We are 11 weeks into core B and most of the history so far has been secular books. Missionary Stories with the Millers is scheduled about once a week and not by itself on that day.

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I would do SOTW.  I am doing it with my two youngest right now in addition to having my 3rd grader just read the TOG books himself.  I wish I would have started it with my 13 year old when he was younger.  The activities are there if you want them, the stories are interesting, and they have a ton of suggested books for each section to flesh it out a bit.  My youngers really enjoy it.



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