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Windows software dept. Funny.


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I get a call from someone in the "windows technical software dept" informing me that I have a problem with my computer that I'm not even aware of.


First I asked if he was sure that my computer had windows. He says yes, and he'll make me aware of the problems.


Then I asked him to explain windows. Then explain operating system. Then explain the problems.


This whole thing took about 3 minutes.


He said to go ahead and turn on my computer so he can make me aware of these software problems.


I asked if he was trying to fix the iPhone computer, or the iPad computer. He hung up. Lol.


Playing dumb to some scam was the highlight of my day. Lol.

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I once had someone call my cell number when I first got the phone. She was trying to convince me that I'd won a fabulous vacation from a drawing I'd entered at the mall. 


First, I avoid malls like the plague. Second, I'd never enter a drawing like that.


Me: So, I entered a drawing at the mall and used this phone number?

Scammer: Yes! And if you'll confirm your information, I can verify that you're the winner!

Me: You want my personal information?

Scammer: Yes, just verify what's on the drawing slip.

Me: When did I enter this drawing?

Scammer: Um, sometime in the past year.

Me: Which mall was it?

Scammer: Your local mall!

Me: Huh. That's fantastic! I just got this cell phone two weeks ago, yet I entered a drawing in the past year using this number at my local mall I've not been to in at least two years! That IS fantastic!

Scammer: Click.


That was SO fun!  :lol: 

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