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Books read- Anyone have a template to keep track?

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My dc's are a bit older but we all do Goodreads. It is a great way to keep track and sort by shelves. It gives recommendations which can be perfect and sometimes they are old books. We friend each other which makes it easy for me to see what they are interested in reading next for library holds etc. It is a great free service.

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My dc's are a bit older but we all do Goodreads. It is a great way to keep track and sort by shelves. It gives recommendations which can be perfect and sometimes they are old books. We friend each other which makes it easy for me to see what they are interested in reading next for library holds etc. It is a great free service.


Do you just rate the books that you've read then? Just signed up but not quite sure how it works.

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We rate them but I don't think you have too. It may help to generate the recommendations accuracy wise. Dd and I read several of the same books independently and it is fun to compare. We also have shelves labeled different ways. Abandoned, good for dd, read 2013 are some of mine. Dd has a " books I will never read again" shelf which makes me laugh, books that she disliked but had to finish for her lit class have a prominent position on it. Hope you enjoy it. You might want to look a "52 books" thread to see how some people use Goodreads. Robin has things linked. It is a great thread!

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When my son started reading chapter books he started recording them in a notebook.  It is fun to look back through it as his penmanship changes along with the books he reads.  This year he has started writing a little something about each book when he finishes it.


I also have a notebook where I record the books we read aloud.  

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I signed up for HomeschoolTrackerOnline this year at least partially because of how easy it makes it to keep track of books used, both textbooks and fun books. We started school a month ago and my boys are already up to 84 books used as part of their school day or fun reading. 


Last year, I printed out a template from donnayoung.org

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I have an app for my iPad called Book Crawler. It's AWESOME! It's the only app I've paid for since getting my iPad in May. It was $1.99. I got it because we have so many books, and I didn't want to buy doubles because I couldn't remember what we had. You can enter in all of your books in your house using an ISBN scanner, entering in several a minute. Or you can enter them in by googling the book or manually. You can sort them by collections or tags (so I'll sort by ancients, modern times, Christian fiction, etc.), and there are places to put comments, link to goodreads, enter dates for when you read them, a category for wish lists vs. own vs. loaned the book out. I love it.

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