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*Grr...* Hubby pranked me so good!


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I need a plan on how to get him back!


This afternoon, Hubby, Jr. and I were just relaxing in the bed and Jr. was doing his sleeping-whenever-not-eating-thing and I repositioned the baby so I could take a quick bathroom break. When I got back, Jr was snoring louder, more noticeably. I was just watching the baby sleep before getting back in bed, hubby noticed and asked me what was up.


Me: Do you hear that?

Hubby: What? Hear what?

Me: Jr., don't you hear him?

Hubby: No, hear him doing what?

Me: Snoring!

Hubby: Uhm...(listens for a moment--Jr. is clearly snoring)...No, I don't hear anything.


So, I get back on the bed and now I'm freaking out. Jr. is snoring, clear and loudly! But is it really just in my head? Am I just being hyper-alert mama? If he's snoring at some weird pitch/frequency is that a hint of something ominous? So, uncertain of my own sanity, I got out the video camera and began trying to get some video.


Hubby: Uhm...What are you doing?

I was putting the camera kind of close to the baby, just to be sure that I captured the sound.

Me: I just really feel that Jr. is snoring,its probably fine, but I'm going to get a 2nd opinion!

Hubby: About what? He is fine, he isn't doing anything.

Me: You really don't notice that snoring sound?!


Hubby leans in close and listens.

Hubby: I can hear the baby breathing, but I don't need a Dr. to tell me that thats a good thing. He's not snoring. Babies cant snore.

Me: But he's been snoring since he was born!!


Hubby stares at me like I am a loony, and grins at me. Feeling nervous, I began talk about passageways and breathing and trying to explain to Hubby blah, blah, blah...and Hubby is adamant that I'm over reacting and that Jr. doesn't snore. That babies cant snore. so I call my mom and let her listen to Jr. breathing/snoring in his sleep and she says that SHE can hear it...kind of.


Hubby is adamant that we are both crazy, he calls some of his siblings and cousins (the hearing ones) and no one hears anything.

I called my mom BACK and asked her to listen again and this time, she isn't sure that she can hear snoring but maybe...


Now I feel like a totally crazy person! I (and my mom) are the only ones who heard Jr. snoring, but it seems sooo loud.


Well guess what? Hubby burst out laughing several minutes later. He has been playing me this whole time!

He said Jr. snores loudly and clearly but pretended that he couldn't hear it just because he wanted to see my reaction!!! He'd told his brother what he did the very first time I'd asked about it and his brother (the family prankster) thought that it was such a good idea, he should see how long he could keep it going. The prankster told everyone to play along.


Any ideas for (harmless) revenge?



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Ha! I'd wait three or four weeks till he isn't on guard before I got him back.

Yeah, I'm thinking at least until Dec. I can't believe he kept it up so long, Hubby is usually an open-book kind of guy, he's very honest and easy going so I never expected him to pull an elaborate prank like this.


Maybe one day have your dh watch the baby while you are doing something.  When dh turns his back make the baby cry and put him on the floor. Rush in and ask how the baby fell off the couch or bed.  Watch your dh panic!  ok this sounds mean.

Ha! Not mean enough!

I don't know if I want to use Jr. against Hubby or not. I don't mind getting Hubby, but I don't like the idea of involving my little guy. Jr. is just such a cool little baby, ya'know?

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Any ideas for (harmless) revenge?


Your husband is pretty funny!


I would take a mayonnaise jar, empty it, and refill it with vanilla pudding. Then casually take it out of the fridge and start eating it by the spoonful when you are both relaxing, watching tv or something. He'll notice, be mortified, and you can act all innocent. "What? You don't eat mayo from the jar? Come on! Of course you do! Everyone does!" See how long you can keep him going. 

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Your husband is pretty funny!


I would take a mayonnaise jar, empty it, and refill it with vanilla pudding. Then casually take it out of the fridge and start eating it by the spoonful when you are both relaxing, watching tv or something. He'll notice, be mortified, and you can act all innocent. "What? You don't eat mayo from the jar? Come on! Of course you do! Everyone does!" See how long you can keep him going.


That is hysterical. I totally going to do this!

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Your husband is pretty funny!


I would take a mayonnaise jar, empty it, and refill it with vanilla pudding. Then casually take it out of the fridge and start eating it by the spoonful when you are both relaxing, watching tv or something. He'll notice, be mortified, and you can act all innocent. "What? You don't eat mayo from the jar? Come on! Of course you do! Everyone does!" See how long you can keep him going. 

This might actually work! and we have some pudding...


Change the babies "poop" diaper (which is actually mustard or whatever you need to use to make it look real) and start licking it.  Disgusting!!!!

Yuck! No way Hubby wouldn't freak out but I don't think that I could do this with a straight face/without feeling sick. I'm to squeamish and easily grossed out.

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