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For my four years old who is also in speech for articulation issues. He is struggling with rhyming. He rhymes in the car...fan, pan, ran. He can chant that but when we show the cards with the pictures and ask him to pick out ones that rhyme and I break it down to maybe three cards at a time and he struggles or even pick out the one out of the three that does not rhyme. We've tried it on study dog and it is the same. He is not understand it is the end of the sound that are the same. He sees the picture of a bone and a dog and says they rhyme, 


My 6th kids was like this too. It took her until 6 yrs old to master this. I am thinking she still needs speech. She is 9yrs old and she doesn't enunciate well. 


Any ideas? Or should we just put away for a bit and bring it out again later? 



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For what it's worth, of all phonemic awareness skills, rhyming was one of the least effective at predicting reading skill. Segmenting and blending words (orally) were the most critical skills. I honestly wouldn't worry too much about it. I think the emphasis of rhyming is a hangover from other programs teaching word families and such.

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Does he understand first sounds? If not I would work on that first. Rhyming is really just ending sounds and that is a harder concept. My DD definitely understood rhyming much later than first sounds. You can just play word rhyming games in the car which is what we did to finally make it click. Make it silly using made-up words after you run out of real words if that appeals to your child's funny bone. This would just use listening skills not listening and looking skills simultaneously. "Let's play a word game where we come up with rhyming words. Let's think of some words that rhyme with cat. Hmmm...how about bat? Yes, cat and bat end with the same sound , so they rhyme. Can you think of another word that rhymes with cat and bat? ...' Schnat and Kerflat might be ones I pull out at the end to really get the giggles going.


I personally love making up words. I just asked my DD4 if she could think of a word to rhyme with log and she replied 'snog'. Then she defined it as an animal like a dog with furry ears and scratchy body and twiggly eyes. Yes twiggly. Having fun with languages is a gift I think she will enjoy for many years to come.


When you try cards again after a week of just verbal games, maybe try 4 cards/items instead of 3 so two pairs of rhyming words. This way it is a bit self-correcting. If he identified the first pair of rhyming words correctly the 2nd pair will will rhyme too.

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It is funny because when we are in the car he can rhyme words,,,bat, cat, snat, lat etc and he knows that it is rhyming. 

But then when we do the aar prek rhyming activities he can't do it. I am not sure what is going on...the pictures? distraction. just don't know. 



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Well, the picture thing is 2-part, so maybe that's the hang-up? Or maybe pictures are just too fun to look at as you say. I bet he'll get it soon. He obviously get the concept, so I'd move on tand not push him to do it a particular way (matching the pictures in a book) right now.

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