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Why Homeschool? Top reasons

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1. Because I *like* to be with my kids a lot, and to be a major influence on their lives as they grow up (i want to be more influence than their peers while they are young). I want the best of these years, not the grotty bit where they come home from the stresses of school and eat and want to sit in front of the TV 'cause thats what their friends do. I want them to like me (at school, they tell me, it was really uncool to like your parents- this was at ages 7 and 9!). I want to share lots of great experiences with them, and not have the best hours of their days given to paid adults who can't possibly care as much about my unique kids as I do, or give them the individual attention and appreciation that I can. (and I know there are good teachers- but one teacher to 30 students is hardly comparable to me with 2). I believe this is how families were meant to be-together, sharing their lives, passing on knowledge and skills to the next generation- and most schools are institutions with a social and political agenda I don't subscribe to. They certainly don't bring families closer together, in fact, they frequently divide parents from their children in both obvious and subtle ways. (and of course, many kids and families do survive all this- and many don't because they are not even aware of it. They just trust the system).


2. Because they get to be themselves far more than they did when they were in school, where kids would be mean or just plain influencial, and my kids would twist themselves in knots to be accepted. They are far less peer dependent and peer influenced, much more internally driven.


3. Because I get to give them a great education and read wonderful books with them, which will give us a point of reference for the rest of our lives, and which gives them a fantastic foundation for being widely read and deep thinking, open minded and generous individuals who can contribute something to their world because they see it from a unique perspective.

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2. I really love it. OK, I don't always love teaching and the hassles that can go with it. I love my children and the family we have created because of homeschooling. :001_wub:



1. I've read enough about the development and purposes of the public schools. My children are not a product to serve a state and there is almost nothing politically they teach that I can agree with. I can't afford a private school, if I could find one that wasn't simply mimicking the state schools.


2. I believe much of our society to be toxic for the healthy development, mentally and spiritually, for children. This isn't the case in all areas but when you believe your children's mental and spiritual well being are at stake, I'm not going to play Russian Roulette and see if we make it through OK. This is not a public school issue necessarily, it's usually the peer interaction that goes with it. When peers become their life, they want to get into the same games, TV, styles and celebrity worship I despise. I'd rather I was their main influence, flawed as I may be. At least I love them enough to try and provide better for them. MTV doesn't love them. :coolgleamA:



this is me too.


My #1 reason for homeschooling is social.

I can't stand the daily onslaught of negative carp that kids are subjected to. This goes for any institutionalized setting. Even if I could afford The Best Christian school, I'd still homeschool.


#2 reason would be strengthening family.


#3 would be religious studies.


#4 would be flexibility.


#5 would be academics.

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Well...it has evolved over time....but, in the beginning....we chose to HS because dh worked contract jobs....and we wanted to travel as a family...and then, dh got a permanent job...we were happy with how the children were doing...so we just decided to continue. We have always said that we will do this for as long as it works for our family....but I am starting to think that I will continue this to the end despite any hurdles that may come up. I really just like the freedom it allows us....and the more and more I hear about the conditions of the public school system...the more set my mind becomes. However, I've lived long enough to realize that just as soon as we "decide" something....life throws us a curve ball. :tongue_smilie:

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