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Ozone therapy (prolozone) ... Have any of you tried it?


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...for Lyme disease, arthritis, joint, tendon, ligament problems or anything else? I just found out about it and am finding it really fascinating. It's been used in Europe for 50 years from what I understand. It's not the same as prolotherapy but similar except it uses ozone.


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Ozone apparently is okay and even beneficial if properly administered. This article is a little technical but explains it better.




A friend of mine, who is a pediatrician (went to Duke for medical school), found out about it from a patient's mother who had chronic back pain for over a decade and wasn't helped by anything except the prolozone, although it took six treatments, IIRC. My friend decided to try it for sacroiliac joint pain she was having and it worked quite well. Then her father tried it for his arthritis with good results, too. I'm thinking of giving it a try for mild sacroiliac joint pain myself. It sounds a lot less painful than prolotherapy.


YouTube has a number of videos that explain it and even show the procedure being done.


I was surprised, though, that it's sometimes used for Lyme disease.


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I was part of a study while living in another country that used ozone therapy along with long-term low doses of sulfa drugs to treat autoimmune disease and fibro. Although done by scientists and doctors, it wasn't a double blind test and didn't pretend to be, and I don't know if it has been repeated, so scientists would never consider it definitive. I do know that the O3 treatments made me feel well right afterwards. In fact, I felt much better during the duration of the test plus I had fewer lupus symptoms and better bloodwork results. The problem is, I don't know how much was due to the O3 and how much to the Minocen (a sulfa drug) and how much was dumb luck (considering the ebb and flow of most chronic diseases).


Their theory was that many times, people who have autoimmune diseases - RA in particular - as well as some cases of fibro, CFS, and a Lime-like disease (although Lime was not present in the part of the world, there were similar bugs the bites of which seemed to cause similar symptoms.)


Instead, they believed symptoms were from micoplasms, which are small anaerobic bacteria. These anaerobic organisms do hide outside of the bloodstream (they do not like its oxygenating abilities) and often are not discovered as a result (we normally use blood samples to test for infection). Increasing O2 as much as you can helps to kill them off. The sulfas helped, too. At least, that was the theory. Others say that sulfas have a anti-inflammatory affect and that people are mistaking this for getting better. And diseases like lupus are very inflammatory in nature, but I still question how my blood work got so much better the entire time .. better than when on some of the things they normally give.


Here in the US, it is very hard to get a doctor (except in the case of Lime) to give you long term sulfa and I do understand why. But I've often considered driving across the border and getting a supply in Mexico (that used to be legal, I guess it still is) and trying it again, along with lots of probiotics. And I have considered some of the Ozone treatments popping up.

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