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TT Pre-Calc & CLEP Pre-Calc

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This is the only TT program not upgraded to 2.0 right? Does anyone know when the upgrade is expected? Has anyone ever used TT Pre-Calc then taken the Pre-Calc CLEP?


Has anyone ever passed the Pre-Calc CLEP with another math program as their base?


My kids both want to attend a college that requires all majors to have at least Pre-Calc. My kids aren't mathy. This college accepts the Pre-Calc CLEP and we have talked about using that to avoid taking any more math in college (my kids love this idea). Ds is part way through Lial's Intermediate Algebra. He is moving slowly, but doing well, so I'm looking ahead to what is next. I bought Lial's Pre-Calc to preview and it is a big book! If that is what it takes to get through the CLEP, we are willing. However, if there is an easier path, I don't want to make them forge through more than they must.

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I would also recommend getting a preparation book for the CLEP and studying that to make sure that your kids are familiar with the types of questions and format.


I looked up the CLEP Precalc and found that there's a free download with a brief tutorial that gives you 30 days of access, so I would put that on your notes so that you can become familiar with the calculator (they include an onscreen calculator) before the exam.

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I would also recommend getting a preparation book for the CLEP and studying that to make sure that your kids are familiar with the types of questions and format.


They will study for the CLEP no matter what Pre-Calc program they use. I just want to make an informed decision on the course of study. 

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Debbie, just my controversial opinion or experience, but layering can be good too.  He could even go do TT Alg. 2 (2.0) if he wanted, then go back and finish Lial, which at that point would probably go much better.  Then do TT pre-calc and repeat buzzing through Lial.  That layering of exposure, the bit of spiral, the differences in explanation might just work for him, or at least they do for us.  Whether TT by itself would do what you want, can't say.  But it's entirely possible that he could get to the same place more comfortably using TT as part of the mix.  I have a friend who thinks hard is the only way to get to good, but for us layers have worked out really well and with better test scores than her only hard approach.

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Thanks Elizabeth. He's doing fine with Lial's for now. He started it in the late spring, took some time off over the summer and just finished Ch 5. He has a solid A going. The Pre-Calc just looks pretty intimidating.


I guess we could consider a sequence of TT Pre-Calc, practice for CLEP then if that isn't going well a second round with Lials.


I just can't find anyone who has done the Pre-Cal CLEP that can give good BTDT advice. College Algebra seems much more popular, but it doesn't help at the college my kids are most likely to attend.

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T^I just can't find anyone who has done the Pre-Cal CLEP that can give good BTDT advice. College Algebra seems much more popular, but it doesn't help at the college my kids are most likely to attend.

I believe the CLEP Precalculus is a relatively new exam. My oldest graduated from hs in 2008 and Precalc wasn't available then, just College Algebra. Two other reasons Precalc is not commonly taken are that many homeschooled (and in our area, ps students) take Precalc at the community college and that Precalc is often not applicable toward earning useful credit for STEM majors (it's a prereq for Calculus).


Please post your student's experience here if he takes the CLEP. FWIW, my two oldest did Chalkdust Precalc that uses the Larson book. They thought it was rigorous and good prep for Calc. Both have gone on to be math majors in college (each as a 2nd major to their other STEM major).


I hope you find the info you are looking for. Another place to try would be to email your questions to the TT authors. They would probably be very motivated to help you as it would be a good advertisement for their course if it was good prep for the CLEP.

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