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Veritas Press History Cards w/o the program itself


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I gave in to curiosity and ordered a set of VP cards, but have no idea what to do with them or how best to implement them into our history routine. I got the OTAE set.


We are not using VP's program, I just have the cards and the CD.


Could you share your ideas for using the cards in a program other than VP? Did you find them useful and worth the price? Did your dc look at them, play with them, study them? Or just they just sit in a pile unused?


How about the CD? Helpful, enjoyable, or big mistake? Did your dc listen to it more than once or twice?


I might send these back. I haven't decided. I admit I was expecting higher quality images, but I'm trying to stay open. My kids, dd, especially like to hold things, sort stuff, play with cards in strange ways. But I don't know about these.


Give me ideas! Or send me back to the post office:001_smile:



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Well what curriculum are you using for your history? I use them to schedule our history, doing 1 card a week and coordinating the readings. If you already have another curriculum you're happy with, you just discuss the cards as they are covered in your curriculum and sing the song to that point.

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If you use the VP catalog you can find books to go along with each card. (It is the number in yellow following the description of each book)


Instead of using the CD that VP publishes with the cards, we use Classical Christian History Songs by Kathy Gentili. She has all five songs (Creation through The Birth of America) on 1 CD. Her songs include card numbers, exact card titles, and dates for each card (VP songs do not).


I ordered the CD directly from her. If you are interested, I can get the ordering info for you.

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I use the cards without the TM. We just schedule 1 card per week, and then fing a handful of books to go with each card. All cards are not created equal. By that I mean that you'll probably spend less time on the Monroe Doctrine than you will on WWII. Sometimes I let the more "important" cards dominate our reading. We've been working on WWII books for about a month now, even though we've technically been studying other cards that come after it. I'll toss in audio from SOTW every now and again for good measure.

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If you use the VP catalog you can find books to go along with each card. (It is the number in yellow following the description of each book)


Instead of using the CD that VP publishes with the cards, we use Classical Christian History Songs by Kathy Gentili. She has all five songs (Creation through The Birth of America) on 1 CD. Her songs include card numbers, exact card titles, and dates for each card (VP songs do not).


I ordered the CD directly from her. If you are interested, I can get the ordering info for you.


So these are intended to go along with the Veritas cards? I googled this online and couldn't find any information. I'd love to know more.

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If you use the VP catalog you can find books to go along with each card. (It is the number in yellow following the description of each book)


Instead of using the CD that VP publishes with the cards, we use Classical Christian History Songs by Kathy Gentili. She has all five songs (Creation through The Birth of America) on 1 CD. Her songs include card numbers, exact card titles, and dates for each card (VP songs do not).


I ordered the CD directly from her. If you are interested, I can get the ordering info for you.

I would like the information about the Classical Christian History Songs by Kathy Gentili.


We've used the VP cards as part of a timeline and on occasion, the info on the back as an IEW writing model.

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Hi, thanks for the ideas and information. I like the idea of looking at the card and then picking books for that week to coordinate with it. This is a good way to oranize without going nuts (a big priority). I have the VP catalog and will take a close look at those little numbers. I know what they are now! Thanks!


It is interesting that the cards can serve as models for IEW writing. I was struck by how succinct and clear the info was on the back. The summaries are descriptive and memorable, quite well written. I like the idea of using them as copywork and dictation.


PNG, I would be interested in finding out about the CD of songs you mentioned. Definitely intrigued. Does the CD come with a list of the lyrics? Let us know the ordering info when you can, please!


Thanks to all for sharing your ideas. I am organization-impaired and need all the guidance I can get:001_smile:

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We had them laminated and then the kids memorize 8 per week. I am using it as a basic memorized timeline. We do spend a good amount of time reading the backs of the cards and looking at the art work, but not in a formal way. We get a good idea of the times involved but don't memorize the dates "on purpose." By the end of the year we have 160 events memorized. I'm going to do this for several years so that the kids really "get it." It's been helpful to me, too :001_smile:

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We use the VP cards with our Classical Conversations(CC) homeschool group.(Slightly different order than VP, CC goes purely in Chronological order) You can laminate them and I hear that it's better to have them hole punched in the bottom (2 punches) instead of the top for easier flipping over. We memorize 8 a week for 24 weeks, so that we get through the whole stack every year.

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