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S/O juicing


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I have some arthritis in my knees (I have the full very confusing MRI results if anyone cares!), baker cysts, plus what is either chronic SI joint pain or some treacherous goblin attacks my hip in my sleep. ;)


So Geo brought up juicing in another thread. I'm not willing to go on a total juice fast for various reasons, but I am interested in hearing how juicing works for you, favorite combos, etc.

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I don't agree with all of his religious practices but if you get on the hallelujah diet website with George malkmus you will get to read a lot of good testimonies.  It is a lot of work but I think worth it. I still eat meat and cooked food so I do not go to the extreme of the website that I recommended.  I think it is a good reference.

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Hey Mommymilkies, sorry it took so long to make it over here.


If you aren't able to fast and speed up detox, it may take a while to see any change. But it could eventually make a difference.

My favorite juice is not a real favorite with a lot of people. But here it is anyway:


2 cups Kale, packed, or, 2 big handfuls (stems and all)

1 cucumber  (I peel, if not organic, use 2 if they are small)

2 celery stalks

2 med carrots, or 1 honker

1 grapefruit (peel the rind, leave the white pith)

1/2 - 1 lemon (totally optional, treat same as grapefruit)



Dr. Furman has books and information on diet and juicing for health:




I HIGHLY recommend you obtain, "Eating For Health" so that you understand the "nutrient-dense" eating approach to reversing health issues.

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My favorite juice is kale, lemon, apple. Or kale, ginger, apple. Super delicious and I drink it as often as possible!


Good luck with your health issues!


About your signature: Happily crunchy, libertarian mama, wife to the bearded one.


Hmm. That would make us identical twins from different mothers...except that I probably have a decade or two on you.

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