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Can you breakdown in percentage's, what your English credit is compiled of?....

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and then the other 20% got divided up between vocab, grammar, mechanics types of things.


But, this year, we are outsourcing and have two english credits, one in speech and one in Am Lit. I am not sure how those teachers are slicing it up. But I can tell you the Speech course puts a heavy emphasis on writing critiques of the speeches given each week, probably more so than on the actual speeches the student delivers.



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Year 1: English I; Lit I: Early Modern Literature


Year 2: English II; Lit II: Modern Literature


Year 3: English III

I only awarded one credit this year, even though he still worked in Abeka grammar and finished up the Vocab from Classical Roots series at home. He took a Greek Mythology college course that comprised most of his lit/writing for the year.



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  • 40% Literature
  • 10% Poetry
  • 15% Vocabulary
  • 20% Grammar
  • 25% Writing

Now that I look at it, that's also roughly the minutes per subject area spent, except a little more for Literature. And we do Poetry T/TH, Vocabulary M/W/F. She's also taking a speech class, but I'll list that as an elective.


Whoops! Just realized this is what I've been doing for my 8th grader, and you were asking about high school. For this one next year, I'll ramp up the literature and writing, and everything else will pretty much stay the same.

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Well, at least it's nice to know that she's giving 110%, LOL! I'll bet you're going to make her do 150% next year. You're my kinda teacher! If everyone did this for language arts, we wouldn't have so many young people in this country who can't read or write.....


(Seriously, I like your breakdown to include serious poetry study....)



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