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What have you used after Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

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Timberdoodle suggests using Phonics Pathways after 100EL. The first 1/3 of the lessons will be way easy and we ended up just skipping them. Phonics Pathways goes through 3rd-4th grade. The book says 4th but I feel that it is closer to 3rd. Maybe what a public school 4th may be.


"Phonics Pathways includes the phonics rules that other phonics-based programs do not. It also contains spelling rules in the lessons as well as quick-reference spelling and pronunciation charts. Phonics Pathways is logically laid out with virtually no teacher preparation involved."


I ended up liking Phonics Pathways better than 100EL and so only used 100EL with my first child. I can't say enough about it.

My only addition to it would be that to build fluency you will need to keep easy readers on hand. You can get ahead in the lessons (the decoding) and the child can get behind in their fluency. So I work hard to have interesting stuff to read around and to make sure I don't get to far ahead on the lessons in comparison to the child's fluency. My ds could decode the lessons with ease but when we put it all together in an easy reader his fluency was much slower to come.

You'll also need to keep a notebook or penmanship curriculum to go along with it. 100EL has you practice specific letters but Phonics Pathways leaves that up to you. It just says to work on writing and spelling without giving specific assignments.


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After 100EZ I had my kids read aloud to me 15 mintues a day from the Pathway readers. For fun reading on their own they read books from the easy reader section of the library, (Rylant, Lobel, Amelia Badeila, Nate the Great). Around 3rd grade they started on chapter books by Beverly Cleary, Cul-de-Sac kids, Box Car Kids.

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I had no inkling about reading curriculum at the time we finished 100 Easy Lessons. This was at the end of our 1st grade year. I hadn't read WTM yet, and I had no though to looking for reading curriculum on the 'net.


That said after finishing 100 Easy Lessons dd just read her Dr. Suess books, grade level books from the library and books she picked out at the bookstore.

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We are already reading all the easy reader/ picture books/ Dr. Seuss books we can get our hands on. A specific program is what I needed. I have Phonics Pathways on the back of a bookshelf. I had forgotten about it as my oldest didn't need much phonics work. It should be perfect.


Thanks for reminding me about it!




Julie in Monterey

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I ended up liking Phonics Pathways better than 100EL and so only used 100EL with my first child. I can't say enough about it.




I second this. We switched to Phonics Pathways when we finished 100EL and I will not bother with 100EL when I have my next child. I would absolutely recommend Phonics Pathways. We also used Reading Pathways for extra practice, though it is not necessary.



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