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Help me with a gift idea for a birthday party tomorrow?


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Just got a phone call from a friend. People are getting together at dinner time tomorrow at a local park to celebrate her son's second birthday. We homechurch; this will likely be her big family plus his big family plus various others we fellowship with. Lots of people, lots of kids, all just very causal, meeting up at the park when the men get off of work, bringing our dinner so the kids can play and celebrate the boy's birthday. She said not to worry about a gift, but I'd like to bring him something small at least.

What's a fun, unique, inexpensive thing I could pick up for the boy?

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How about a magnifying glass?  They make large ones with thick plastic lenses instead of glass (safer for a 2 year old). I've seen them at department stores (usually in the toy section) for as little as $2.  A 2 year old could have lots of fun discovering what's crawling through the grass, how rocks look close up, etc.  :)

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