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Spelling for 1st and 3rd


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I was planning on using aas. My 3rd grader did aas1 last year. I was planning on continuing to use it but I need things more stream lined right now. Aas is way too complicated for our life right now. Is there anyway to simplify it? If there is, I would LOVE to continue it because its a solid program.


If its not, what are some good programs that teaches rules and not lists? And where would I start my 3rd grader?

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We love AAS but running two levels is more than I can contemplate at this time. So I am holding off starting my first grader with AAS 1 until my dd has finished AAS 4 and then we are moving to Rod and Staff 4. I think AAS 1-3 were definitely worth it, but if you just can't do it, rod and staff 3 would be fine for a third grader I would think.

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Since the focus is on rules, you can combine your two kids. I did that with SWR. We worked at the younger's level and progressed quickly. Even though my older could spell the words just fine, she was still getting the review of applying the rules to words, which is the whole point. I don't know if that would work with AAS.

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I was planning on using aas. My 3rd grader did aas1 last year. I was planning on continuing to use it but I need things more stream lined right now. Aas is way too complicated for our life right now. Is there anyway to simplify it? If there is, I would LOVE to continue it because its a solid program.


If its not, what are some good programs that teaches rules and not lists? And where would I start my 3rd grader?


First, is your 1st grader reading already? The author recommends completing AAR 1 (or the equivalent) first before starting the spelling program. (If you aren't sure, here's the Level 1 TM sample lessons, which also includes a list of all the words covered in this level).  Anyway--if not, you may want to just focus on reading first and not worry about spelling just yet.


What part seems to bog you down? With my two kids, I would just set a timer for 15 minutes or so and go as far as we could get.


I started out with the daily review cards. I did simplify these--rather than have a tab for every type of card, I put all of the daily review cards together behind one tab. I did split them by category after they were mastered though. We'd spend maybe 3-5 minutes at the most on review, and then pick up in the book wherever we left off previously.


I used the handouts as the bookmark for where we were in the book--so I always had these handy. Some years I used a folder, but I found using them as bookmarks was the handiest method for me.


Any thing that's for the child to write on--homophone chart, Silent E booklet etc... stayed in a folder for that child, along with something for the child to write words on. Early on, my kids used hand-held white boards, but later they used a spiral notebook. They kept these materials in their workboxes, but they also could easily fit in the "everything box" that I used to organize our supplies. Here's pictures of my box  & how I organized--each day I could just grab that and go, no planning, no losing things--easy-peasy.


Here's a "Typical Week" post I did last year, maybe that would be helpful too.


Hope you find what works for you! Merry :-)

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 Rod and Staff is rule-based if you decide not to continue with AAS.

I personally would try to make what I have work first, but that being said I couldn't make AAS work here (we did 2 levels of it) and we did switch out.  AAS is a great program, though.  Perhaps you could make it go quicker by not using the tiles and just using a white board and marker?

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