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Does this Algebra curriculum exist?

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We are currently using Lial's Pre-Alg. and I really don't like it. The way things are explained and how small the type is bothers me. We will be sticking it out though. I hope to be done by Christmas and ready to move on to actual Algebra then. What I am looking for:

1. Simple word explanations. Obviously Math has its own language and that's fine but I need things explained in simple terms as well (for me)Plus less reading for him is better.


2. Something easily read. I can't stand small texts it all blurs together and I end up skipping important info because it's mired in the middle of all the other tiny words. Plus DS is dyslexic and small print turns normal English into gibberish for him.


3. Needs to have a solutions type manual(or it explains to me why I keep getting 4 when the answer is -5). This is the reason I bought Lial's in the first place.


4. Cost is reasonable. I can't afford an online class otherwise I would so be doing that. Needs to be around $100 or less for all materials. I would like a workbook or for the curriculum to be a work-text.


5. Needs to have a decent sample for me to check out (unless it's cheap). I can't shell out $$ for something that won't work.


What we have tried:

MM- we liked it but are past that now

LOF- He didn't really like it or get it. To much reading.

AoPS- was confusing for me.


So any ideas?

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I don't know what your goals are for math, but what about Power Basics?  I wish I'd known about this when DS was struggling with Algebra 1 last year.  We're using it now for Geometry and it looks like it's going to work very well for him.  I may even go back and have him do Algebra again just to reassure both of us that he does have it down solid.


Here's a description of the Algebra and samples. You'd have to email them and ask if they'd send you a sample of the answer keys though. Those aren't included in the online samples.  The single kit comes with textbook, workbook, TE, and test/keys but there is a separate practice book with more activity pages available.

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If you need on-level content but simple terms Power Basics may be precisely what you are looking for. I do not think, though, that it's enough for a STEM major so if he's looking at possibly doing that, it may not be the best choice.


You might also consider the "a fresh approach" series -- http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=10&category=6851 has a review, and it's here as well -- http://www.aplusses.com/ -- as it *sounds* like what you're looking for. (Disclaimer: I have not reviewed it myself -- but from the reviews it sounds like a real possibility. The first chapter is available as a sample.)

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Saxon may meet your requirements.  You can "look inside" the texts at Christian Books and other sites which sell Saxon.  The cost for the text, test booklet, and solutions manual is approximately $75. 


Many here don't like Saxon, but if it works for your student, it works very well.  No way to know without trying it.  They have a free online placement test and you can also call and speak with a teacher.

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CLE has a new Algebra program that might be suitable. Unfortunately, only Algebra I is available at this time. It is similar to Saxon in that it is an incremental spiral program not mastery based. They introduce a new concept in small bits and then have mixed review practice for the remainder of each lesson. Here are some examples.

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I should have included the term Mastery based with very little review (does Saxon fit this?). Once this kid gets the concept he's good to move on. He would hate anything that has a bunch of review. If it's review lessons(that we can skim) or review at the end of the new stuff that would be ok(even good). Plus it must be secular, could be from a religious press, but no mention of God, or bible verses(pretty sure CLE has mention of bible and Sunday School?).


He doesn't seem to be interested in STEM but that could change easily and often. So my goal is to provide him with the best foundation to go off of when he gets to college. Maybe for a "light" curriculum I could supplement?


On my way to check out the links. THX

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I don't know what your goals are for math, but what about Power Basics?  I wish I'd known about this when DS was struggling with Algebra 1 last year.  We're using it now for Geometry and it looks like it's going to work very well for him.  I may even go back and have him do Algebra again just to reassure both of us that he does have it down solid.


Here's a description of the Algebra and samples. You'd have to email them and ask if they'd send you a sample of the answer keys though. Those aren't included in the online samples.  The single kit comes with textbook, workbook, TE, and test/keys but there is a separate practice book with more activity pages available.


Yep, like this. It seems more Pre-Alg. then Algebra though. If I scrapped Lial's I could do this instead;)


If you need on-level content but simple terms Power Basics may be precisely what you are looking for. I do not think, though, that it's enough for a STEM major so if he's looking at possibly doing that, it may not be the best choice.


You might also consider the "a fresh approach" series -- http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=10&category=6851 has a review, and it's here as well -- http://www.aplusses.com/ -- as it *sounds* like what you're looking for. (Disclaimer: I have not reviewed it myself -- but from the reviews it sounds like a real possibility. The first chapter is available as a sample.)

I am seriously considering this, thank you.

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You could probably pick up a used copy of Teaching Textbooks within your budget. Worked like a charm with my daughter.

BTDT, I thought the same thing but he fell asleep! Seriously, anything with video or audio just won't work. He needs interaction. I don't mean to be shooting things down, I really appreciate all the advice. I like the samples from "A Fresh Approach", It seems to be just what I'm looking for. I do wish there was a Pre-Alg. book too though.

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BTDT, I thought the same thing but he fell asleep! Seriously, anything with video or audio just won't work. He needs interaction. I don't mean to be shooting things down, I really appreciate all the advice. I like the samples from "A Fresh Approach", It seems to be just what I'm looking for. I do wish there was a Pre-Alg. book too though.


If you liked the Power Basics samples, you could order the algebra and go through that, then repeat with the Fresh Approach. There would be some overlap. You might also consider Key to Algebra as a pre-algebra, if his arithmetic skills are good (if they're not, Key to Decimals/Fractions would help).

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Just putting out two more options:

1. Derek Owens - I've read here that he offers his Algebra course at a cheaper price if you are willing to check your student's answers.

2. TabletClass - only $50 under the current promotion.


ETA: Also, Jann in TX recommends Introductory Algebra from Lial's Developmental Math series, because it has a bigger print. Perhaps you can preview the book from your library and see if you like it. The solutions text is also cheaply available.

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If you liked the Power Basics samples, you could order the algebra and go through that, then repeat with the Fresh Approach. There would be some overlap. You might also consider Key to Algebra as a pre-algebra, if his arithmetic skills are good (if they're not, Key to Decimals/Fractions would help).

So I'm taking your advice. I ordered Power Basics (Amazon had it for $20 off the full set price). We should be able to speed through it hopefully by Christmas then we'll move on to "A Fresh Approach".

Thank you all for the quick responses and great suggestions. It really helped.

Anyone need a Lial's Pre-Alg with brand new solutions manual? LOL. Maybe I'll give it to my sister, she's much better at math then I am.

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