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Do your tween boys have friends that are girls?


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I haven't had a tween boy yet, but my oldest daughter has always had friends who were boys, starting with her best friend in day care when she was 2.  She's always had a group of friend that included boys and girls.   It was very rare that any of the members of the group dated each other but it did happen occasionally.  Mostly they seemed to see each other as siblings rather than romantic prospects.

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My 12 year old son has had friends that were girls since he was preschool age. It has been the last year or 2 that some of the girls have gotten weird. I was raised with one brother who was close in age and worked in a male heavy career for 10 years, so I've had male friends my entire life with no issue at least on my end. Kind of sad to me that some kids seem unable to just continue a friendship. One girl in particular was great friends with my son. One night she turned into a complete diva and is just too cool to even talk to him any more. She's all of 3 months older than him. That 3 months happens to fall on a dividing line for school grades which makes talking to him even that much more ridiculous in her mind. Maybe in a year or 2, my boy will suddenly lose his mind with hormones too. He has another friend that's a girl who recently has decided teasing him relentlessly is the way to go. I think she probably has a crush. She's driving me bananas. Another girl poured her heart out in letters on how they we were meant to be together. Ugh - I wanted to call her mother. She is also 12!


I think, for a career/college bound kid, being able to comfortably interact with both genders is a good life skill and one I will continue to encourage in my kids.

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