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Ideas for my toddler

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I need ideas to keep my almost 2 year old busy. He desperatelto seems to want me to give him things to do. It makes him happy to walk away with something in his hands! <3


I am a bit tired of making things or assembling things. I just want to buy a few smaller things to keep in a basket for him and a few big things to pull out separately. I have some lacing cards already that I think will work and these:






More ideas would be greatly appreciated...

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Hmm, 2yos often like to be in the middle of what you're doing and are notorious mess makers when left alone. If there is anything he can do and be near you, he may be easier.


My all time favorite thing to occupy toddlers is homemade edible play doh in a high chair. Don't make a production out of the fact that it is edible: they figure it out. So, they can play for awhile with little shape cutters and whatnot and when they are bored they eat it up. My favorite is peanut butter.


Lauri Primer Pak and other Lauri toys are not typically loud and could be used beside older siblings.


Wedgits are easy for little hands, but they are loud.


My youngest loved anything with wheels- another loud activity.


Oh, also, he had some Baby Einstein videos and card sets that he liked.




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I've got a two-year-old. He prefers to be with us, but I do give him something to do when there if he hasn't brought his own things with him. We also take school outside whenever possible. He stays busy longest when I am engaged with him. So, if we are working on math with my older, I will play with him while the older works through problems. This is as simple as a couple minutes dumping and scooping rice. I also try to fill up his cup of mom time first, which is about 30-45 minuts of 1-on-1-time with just my toddler. Then I find he will play on his own quietly, right next to me of course, for longer stretches. I've got tons of ideas, here are some recent favorites.


Rice or lentils in a big tub with a scoops, bowls, funnels, animals, dump trucks, etc.


Puzzles, lacing cards, magnets, etc.


Hammering golf tees into styrofoam


Dot markers, regular markers, watercolors, finger paint, etc at the table with us


Cups and bowls with water to dump from cup to cup


Anything he can easily pick up with kid tweezers (cotton balls, pompoms, etc) and cups or something to it them in


Play dough with something to use - scissors, plasti knife, rollers, cutters, plastic animals, gems, rocks, google eyes, anything!


Pipe cleaners and a strainer to push them into


I have a variety of building toys I rotate through

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Love the pipe cleaner and strainer activity. I want things that I don't have to supervise him with so I can really focus during the short stretches.


Not sure I would trust him not to put smaller items in his mouth yet...


But I do have scissors that only cut through paper. Will put that in there and if it doesn't work, he will be able to rip up paper...


Keep these ideas coming! They are wonderful!

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These are such great ideas!!


My all time favorite thing to occupy toddlers is homemade edible play doh in a high chair. Don't make a production out of the fact that it is edible: they figure it out. So, they can play for awhile with little shape cutters and whatnot and when they are bored they eat it up. My favorite is peanut butter.



Would you pretty, pretty please share your play dough recipe?  :)  This sounds great!  And could double as a snack!!

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I have a pinterest board full of ideas here for my 2 1/2 year old http://pinterest.com/plath/just-for-adelaide/

My two girls aren't terribly far apart in age, (a 5 year old and a 2 1/2 year old), so I try to include the 2 1/2 year old whenever I can.  She does all the same art/craft stuff as the five year old, I made a calendar book for her (she just scribbles all over it, but loves to be included), etc.

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My 2yo plays with toys, mostly, or he looks at books; he loves books.  Puzzles too.  Right now, he really loves this Duplo set and plays with it for hours and hours and hours, truly (we also have a Duplo table and multiple basic Duplo/compatible MegaBloks sets so he has tons of pieces): http://www.amazon.com/LEGO-DUPLO-Creative-Cars-10552/dp/B00A88DRYU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376610620&sr=8-1&keywords=creative+cars+duplo  I am really impressed at how much play value it has and how much he loves it; it is a lot of bang for the buck.  He also spends a lot of time playing with the wooden trains.

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