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Is this schedule/times okay for an anxious 3rd grader?

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I have a 3rd grader of average intelligence who is a bit ahead in reading and a bit behind in math. She has significant anxiety issues, although they are MUCH better this year than last. It is possible that we will change therapists and difficult topics may come back up. She sees a therapist every other week, a psychiatrist every month and meets with our pastor every other week for discussion about religion (this is at her request, she feels that he can answer her questions better than we can - some of her anxiety has a religious basis to it, so we consider time with our pastor to be therapeutic).


We are seeing some regressive behaviors lately - more fear at night, baby-talking, helpless behavior. We're not sure if it's temporary or if her medicine is not working as well.


SO, here is what we have planned:


8:00 - 9:00 = Basically circle-time with her older sister. They say the pledge, read devotions, calendar and then work on writing/typing. This won't take a full hour, but I wanted to build in some extra time in case the morning is hectic.

9:00 - 9:30 = Reading (She enjoys this subject and can do it on her own)

9:30 - 10:00 = English (She also enjoys this one and can do it on her own)

10:00 - 10:30 = Break (She likes to spend time outdoors and run around outside)

10:30 - 11:00 = Math (she hates this subject and I will help her)

11:00 - 11:30 = Science (she's iffy on this subject and I help her)

11:30 - 12:30 = Lunch/Chores

12:30 - 1:00 = History (She's okay with this subject but I still help her)

1:00 - 2:00 = Art/Music (this is basically a free time to listen to music, do artwork - which she loves - or read)


She will have all subjects daily, except History. She has history three times a week. I'm expecting her to still complete Reading, English, Math and Science on therapy days. She takes dance and theatre in the fall.


Does this look okay? I need a schedule that is not overwhelming but still accomplishes some schoolwork. I want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything.

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If the subjects she doesn't like cause her anxiety, I would get those done would get those done ASAP. Let her get her anxiety out by reading or running around after those subjects instead of doing something sucky like chores.

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If the subjects she doesn't like cause her anxiety, I would get those done would get those done ASAP. Let her get her anxiety out by reading or running around after those subjects instead of doing something sucky like chores.

I agree. Do circle time, maths then science then reading as a reward.

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My DD who also has anxiety I allow to choose what to do first. Often she'll choose her least favorite subject "to get it over with," usually after kicking things off with whatever her favorite activity is. Sandwiching it with things she likes might be a better option than following it with a subject she's less than thrilled with.


I also can't set a fixed time on math for my DD, because she feels like she's being timed while doing it (even though the point of the timer is to limit the time she has to spend, not to test her speed). However, with a fixed schedule, predictability and having it the same way every day will probably be helpful.

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Seconding the idea that doing the hard stuff first is usually better and just do it.  If I gave my anxious kiddo a choice, he would never make the right one.  He'll always put off the most anxiety provoking thing (it changes for him what it is, but I can usually get a read on it).  And for some kids, a choice is just more anxiety right there.

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