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My Ds is gonna be stalking UPS tomorrow...

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My ds is desperately awaiting a HUGE delivery from Home Training Tools. Lots of cool science/nature study stuff.


For several weeks he has been hounding me to order.

He has been watching the UPS tracking number all week.


Tomorrow i see him pacing the drive until UPS shows up!





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We have the exact same thing going on. I ordered a ton of stuff for the science classes that I'm teaching. And I ordered a new and better microscope and some other stuff for the boys. They are so excited about that.

They keep asking what day the microscope will get here. They'll have to wait until Tuesday.

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I don't know if the technology has made the wait for packages better or worse. Used to be you knew it was coming, went about your business and if it hadn't arrived in a week or two you made a phone call. Now you can see almost to the exact minute when it is supposed to arrive. I mean for me the UPS guy comes between noon and one. If he doesn't arrive by 1:30 I start to get antsy.

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