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WWE2 woes

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this is our first year with wwe. My dd8 has done no dictation, very little narration, and some copy work before. after speaking with Peach Hill, they suggested level 2. we are now two weeks in, and everything is very difficult for her. she can follow the summarizing questions, but has a very hard time coming up with a good summary after answering those questions. she cannot seem to get dictation. we have extra capital letters, and hardly any punctuation ( unless reminded)

do I need to back up a level? will it get progressively harder, quickly? do we keep at it?

her writing (and spelling, and handwriting! ) is very weak, and I chose this program to help with those items... but it seems like the first couple weeks are usually the easiest, and I'm not sure how to proceed. Suggestions, please?

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Keep at it.  If she hasn't done any narration or copywork/dictation previously, you can easily make up your own.  Find books she is interested in, choose an appropriate length for a passage or book, choose a sentence for copywork one day and dictation a day or two later. If you want you can back up to WWE1, but I think that for that level it's just as easy to make up your own.  Incorporate narration into everything you are doing... history, science, even her day, or an outing.  I've found that backing the reading material up to a level that is really easy for them can help them to summarize better.  And then start moving them up to their reading level.  You will be surprised how quickly she will catch on.  My youngest was terrible at it in the beginning but she caught on with practice. 


I think that in WWE2 she has them do the same sentence, first for copywork so they can see what it looks like, then later for dictation so they can recall what it looks like from the copywork exercise. 

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WWE1 works on listening for details by answering questions orally and it also has copywork.  WWE1 does not work on summarizing or on dictation, which seem to be the more difficult areas for your daughter.  I like Jess' suggestions above.  You could also press on with WWE2.  You could go with a different type of program altogether like the IEW Bible Heroes program (This program works on choosing key words, forming your own sentences from your key word outlines, and copying the summaries you formed.  It is very directive and step-by-step).  However, I don't think going back to WWE1 will help you.

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One thing to keep in mind is that WWE is a process. The child is not expected to do everything perfectly the first week. That isn't expected until week 36. ;)


It's normal for kids to need some guidance. Have you listened to SWB's lecture on teaching writing in the elementary years? It gives you some ideas for leading a child to a narration. That lecture is in the Peace Hill Press Store (I'd link, but I'm on my phone).


Also, for the dictation, go to YouTube and search for "Dictation With Dan". That video (free) shows how SWB actually does dictation with her own kids.

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We just started WWE 2 with my 2nd grader.... SHe is having a difficult time as well but I break things into smaller chuncks with regards to narration and summary. I will as a few more questions then have her tell me in her own words about the story. She did well with dictation but she is really good at memorizing ..... Keep at it ... level 2 is building a skill they dont have so it wont be perfect. 

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SWB has a youtube video,  Dictation with her son, she explains it wonderfully. Sometimes you have to go over and over, You might have to break up the sentences, or lead them to the right answer, they get it after a while. Level 2 does not get drastically harder, but level 3 is a jump. So just keep at it, you might want to go back and do it twice even if needed. 

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WW2 does get progressively more difficult (as do all of the levels).  I would not hesitate to back up to WWE1.  It really takes a reluctant writer through very incremental steps.  


At the same time, you do have to trust the process somewhat and be very generous with your guidance.  If you are doing dictation, and the book says read it twice, and your dc needs 3-4 repetitions, than so be it.  But you know what you are working toward.  


You have had some very good advice.  If that does not resolve your dd's anxiety in a couple of weeks, I would go back to WW1.  Perhaps you will be able to go through it more quickly, but it sure couldn't hurt.  I read recently that WWE4 is actually optional for kids who started with WWE1.  So you may want to keep that in mind if you are concerned about the long haul.  

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Oh, and as for issues, such as misplaced capitals, you might consider teaching her cursive.  This will automatically remediate the capitals issue, as well as reversals and spacing issues.  IMO, it is usually easier to teach cursive than to remediate handwriting, because most students are more open to learning something new than they are to being corrected on something they should already know.  

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I would back up to level 1 and maybe accelerate through it depending on how she goes with level 1 (maybe start half way through or do every second week etc?). I feel that starting easier and building confidence is important and hopefully level 1 will help to resolve some of her issues such as useage of capitals and punctuation etc. With these issues resolved then once you re-start level 2 she can focus on the new skills being addressed rather than trying to learn everything all at once.

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I would back up to level 1 and maybe accelerate through it depending on how she goes with level 1 (maybe start half way through or do every second week etc?). I feel that starting easier and building confidence is important and hopefully level 1 will help to resolve some of her issues such as useage of capitals and punctuation etc. With these issues resolved then once you re-start level 2 she can focus on the new skills being addressed rather than trying to learn everything all at once.


I don't have much experience and so I haven't responded, but this is what I would do also. Start with the sorter passages and just comprehension questions that are in WWE1.  Do that copywork to build confidence and to learn or cement sentence structure better.  Then, she will be more confident going forward and more able to focus on the new skill of dictation rather than several new skills at once.  Also, specifically because you said she had only done "some" copywork, I really think it might be helpful to go back to WWE1, even if you do it quickly by skipping some or doing more than one day at a time, or even starting it halfway through. 


Good luck! :)

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I thought I would mention that copywork in WWE is likely different than other copywork that your dc might have done.  In WWE1, when you give the copywork to your dc, you are bringing particular mechanics to your student's attention, so that when you start dictation in WWE2, you have already talked over and over about how a sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with period, etc.  The most basic mechanics should already have been learned before doing dictation.  Dictation is a very difficult skill, even with that background.  I can see how a student who is lacking some of that foundation provided by WWE1 might feel overwhelmed by it.  

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