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Non political (or stick to educational) president question.


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I don't think you CAN give a correct answer to this one...it'll be a discussion question where you support your position and the justification is what's interesting.


Of course, Abraham Lincoln is the correct answer to fight off vampires ;)

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Bring back to be President again or just bring back to life because they are a cool person you'd want to meet?  


I don't think that any of our prior great Presidents, no matter how successful in their own eras, would necessarily make a good POTUS in 2013.  The country is very different than it was.  In many ways I think that our various more notable Presidents have been uniquely qualified for the issues they handled in their era and that those qualifications may not apply to eras other than their own.  I wouldn't want FDR instead of Lincoln for the Civil War, you know?  


I also think that almost any deceased POTUS would be sick over the state of our legislative branch.  I half expect to hear that one side has challenged the other side to a duel or something when I turn on the radio in the morning.  The craziness does not discriminate between parties so it could be either side. Maybe Zombie Aaron Burr will be elected to Congress soon.  


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Since the question came up while the radio was on (a basher that I don't like, but forgot he was on), I assume she meant to come back as president.


I thought about different times and things like that, which of course made it even more difficult to attempt to answer.


It would have been easier to have a sex conversation with her!

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To be president now? Bill Clinton.  Not because he was the best ever (he wasn't), but because he is the best former president in the modern era savvy enough to do the job.


Historically, I'd LOVE to talk to:

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson - both brilliant, both could answer so many questions about the 'founders'

Teddy Roosevelt - I'm not really a huge fan, but the stories he could tell! My goodness.  Academic, war hero, cowboy, police commissioner, navel officer, Rough Rider, President, then in retirement he went to explore uncharted areas of South America.

Lincoln - so wise and eloquent, I'd love to hear his take on modern America.

Lyndon Johnson - so disastrous in Vietnam, so brilliant in domestic policy. I'd love to talk to him.

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I agree with the above- I might be more interested in meeting the BAD presidents to grill them.  I would personally like to meet Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pearce and James Buchanan and demand to know what the heck they were doing throughout the 1850s.  Also, Andrew Johnson for so completely blowing the start of Reconstruction.  

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