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How many breaks for logic stage students


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We take breaks when they are needed due to hunger, bathroom needs or a child having maxed out on a particular subject.  My kids get breaks due to me needing to work with another kid, also.  I have one child who needs breaks or his brain explodes and a great deal of time is lost recovering from that.  No, we are not done by noon.


If I had one 10 year old and started early, we could likely be done before noon (looking at your sig), but not with adding another child of any age.  I have found that my kids need a rockin' good breakfast in order to maintain through the day so that eats up a lot of time.  I don't prefer to get up an hour early to prepare said breakfast so this means a later start than if I gave them a bowl of cereal rather than turkey sausage, hashbrowns, grits and fruit.

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Starting last year (with a 5th and 6th grader) we moved to no breaks except lunch. Of course, they use the bathroom when need and sometimes I'll bring them a cup of tea while they work. We started around 8:30-9 and finished by 2-3 with an hour for lunch. They like having time to play/talk/giggle for an hour rather than shorter breaks. Also, I switch things up a lot... It's not as if the girls do workbooks all day.

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I don't think I have scheduled breaks. We start by 8am most days. DS takes a few minutes between longer subjects but likes to keep working through his list. He'll usually take 15-30min for lunch then finish his day by 1P.

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My 5th grader did her hour of math first thing, then a 20 min break, then worked till lunch, usually 12-1, then finished up in the afternoon (1-2 hours, depending on the day) w/o an additional break.  So 3 hours in the morning w/ one break, and 1.5-2 hours after lunch.  


Taking a break after an intense hour of math really helped her focus for the rest of the morning.  She's a mover, a physical kid, so she needed that break to involve doing something physical, usually.  And a snack - a slice of cheese or something else w/ protein/fat, to keep energy up w/o crashing.

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