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If you are a BW family, what do you use for grammar and spelling?


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Do you use anything?  


I am implementing a lot from TWJ and Arrow, and now wondering what to use for grammar and spelling.  


I have MCT and AAS on the shelf.  Would that be overkill?


Open to other suggestions as well.



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I do use separate grammar and spelling. I don't think it's overkill at all to use a grammar and spelling resource. 


My oldest is very proficient at grammar so I haven't done anything formal or time consuming with him this past year. In the past he did Easy Grammar with Evan Moor Daily Language Review. This year he did grammar editing with EditorInChief.


For 5th I was either going to have him work with some Great Source materials or do KISS online.  I also use WWE along with BW and that covers grammar. 


IIRC Bravewriter suggests Winston grammar, although I think you could do any program. 


I use Sequential Spelling. Spelling is very important to me and I don't trust copywork/dictation alone. I know some take a more relaxed approach to spelling, but I don't.


I think the MCT and AAS would be great to add to BW. 

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I don't know what "BW" is so am not sure if we are that kind of family, lol, however we do both grammar and spelling through 6th grade then continue grammar through 9th grade. A Reason for Spelling has been the only program I have ever used. I absolutely love it and have 7 excellent spellers so far. For grammar I use a different program every year to keep things interesting: Easy Grammar, Sentence Family, Mary Daly Diagramming, Junior Analytical Grammar, AG Review (by far my favorite program), Daily Language Review, Grammar Cop, etc.

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We're doing AAS for spelling.  I wish we could just do spelling BW style, and it might work for one of my ds, but definitely not for the other one, who is a poor speller and really needs a program.


For grammar, we've done different things.  Grammar Cop and other light grammar workbooks here and there.  We've done living books like the Brian Cleary books.  We've done Mad Libs and other games.  Last year, we did Grammarland, which we loved.  This year, we have MCT Island and we're going to go through that in a light way.  And, of course, we do grammar BW style through copywork and dictation a lot.

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We're doing AAS for spelling.  I wish we could just do spelling BW style, and it might work for one of my ds, but definitely not for the other one, who is a poor speller and really needs a program.


For grammar, we've done different things.  Grammar Cop and other light grammar workbooks here and there.  We've done living books like the Brian Cleary books.  We've done Mad Libs and other games.  Last year, we did Grammarland, which we loved.  This year, we have MCT Island and we're going to go through that in a light way.  And, of course, we do grammar BW style through copywork and dictation a lot.


Thanks, it's great to hear this isn't totally over kill.  I think we'll stick with MCT and AAS, then, since I have them.  Plus, they've been working well so far.  


I would love to drop both, and trust that it's all going to come together as suggested in TWJ, but I think we're going to need separate spelling at a minimum.  The grammar is more for me, for my sanity, so I know we're covering what I want covered.


Grammarland looks like a lot of fun!  

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Thanks, it's great to hear this isn't totally over kill.  I think we'll stick with MCT and AAS, then, since I have them.  Plus, they've been working well so far.  


I would love to drop both, and trust that it's all going to come together as suggested in TWJ, but I think we're going to need separate spelling at a minimum.  The grammar is more for me, for my sanity, so I know we're covering what I want covered.


Grammarland looks like a lot of fun!  


Yeah, I think it's naive to think that spelling can just improve from practice for most kids.  Maybe some, but not all by a long shot. I think grammar is different and I'm much more behind the idea that it can evolve from spoken language in their writing - this is really the core idea behind BW in some ways - that voice should lead to good writing.  And that's the opposite of SWB's view that formal grammar and writing need to be learned like a separate language.  Anyway, I find it's useful to push grammar along with living books and games and occasional light worksheets.  We probably won't do MCT intensively, but I got such a good deal on it!

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This will be our first year with BW, but I am finishing up AAS 4 and then moving to R&S 4 with my dd, and will be using AAS with my ds. Both use FLL for grammar. 


I really wish I felt comfortable JUST doing BW style for those, but I really don't. I love how BW ties grammar and spelling into writing adn literature through the Arrow, and we do that on top of the separate programs. I think that really makes it stick, but I am not ready to leave it to that alone yet. ;) 

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