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FLL1 and FLL3... questions....

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This coming school year I will have an older K'er. At what stage should she be before we begin FLL1 (what are the prerequisites)? She is ready for a heavier load and I'd like to start this sometime this winter, depending on what you might suggest.

And I'll have a third grader using FLL3. Can I have her copy the work from the student manual into a separate notebook? I'm hoping to save the student book for use with each of the younger siblings... UNLESS this is a giant waste of time and a massive headache....



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FLL1 is totally doable for a kindergartener who is up to it. I tried in K with my oldest and he wasn't "getting" it, so I waited. But I figured out that doing it all orally didn't work for his learning style, so I added some things to make it so he could understand better. We haven't done school in 6 months thanks to a very difficult pregnancy and a move out of state, but this week his little brother asked what a noun was and ds6 told him exactly the FLL definition, so it STICKS! :)


Here's a link to my blog about how we expanded FLL1 to make it "hands on." http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/FLL%201

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You can buy the FLL 3 wkbk as a pdf and print. I know the number of pages is intimidating, but then you'd only have to buy it once and just print. Depending on your printer it could be cheaper (though a bit of a pain) to print than buying a wkbk for each child. Just an option to consider. Or if you have a tablet dc could complete on the tablet instead, no printing at all!

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We do FLL1 in Kindy. PHP recommends starting it after Lesson 140 in OPG, or once you have a reader who has started multi-syllabic word and is on track for fluency.


I second the student pages as pdf. It has been a fantastic option for us. I wish more companies would do something similar. I'm afraid Classical Academic Press' model is going to become more standard, though.

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I am person who doesn't typically use workbooks because I have so many kids and I want to pass them down; FLL and other PHP curriculula, however are  exceptions.  PHP workbooks purchased off Amazon are the most affordable school workbooks out there.  I have also purchased PDF downloads of PHP student workbooks/pages as well.  I really feel like a PDF download coupled printed off with a B/W laser printer is an affordable option, particularly in a family with several kids hsing.  


I thought it was really helpful for my kiddos to be able to write in their FLL 3 and FLL 4 books because of the sentence diagrams.


I've personally enjoyed using FLL levels 1-4 with my kiddos because the definitions for the parts of speech are the same throughout.  

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