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Right Start Math


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I'm planning on using Right Start level A with my 5 year old this fall. Since they just came out with a 2nd edition I figured I'd go that route since I'll use this with all 3 of my kids (if we like it). But it looks like along with the 2nd edition, they've changed the manipulative kit to go through multiple levels. I'd really just like to get whatever manipulatives we're going to use this year (mostly because of the cost). But I don't see that you can buy a manipulative kit for just Level A (2nd edition or otherwise) without the workbooks. Am I missing something?


OR could I scrounge up my own manipulatives??

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You could try to scrounge up your own manipulatives, but I think it's tough. I tried to buy pieces through homeschoolclassfieds and went through so much trouble and ended up buying some from the RS website anyways. RS stuff has a good resale value, so I don't think it'd be the worst thing in the world to buy the whole kit and caboodle...The manipulatives, imo, are very specific to RS and that's why they aren't sold separately from the books. If you wanted, I would try to find a complete set of manipulatives or complete kit (ALL Level A manipulatives plus books) used if you're not sure if you're going to want to invest in it. Now that I think about it, I think I called them and they worked with me when I told them I had this and that, but needed only these things. Maybe you could call them and see if they'd send you just Level A manipulatives?

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You can buy the manipulatives individually on their website. The trouble is knowing which ones you need for just that level. I'm not sure if the required manipulatives would have changed with the new edition, but you can look at the first edition level A kit to get an idea of what you'd need. You can probably also contact them to find out. The new edition is new enough that not many have experience with it or have had time to go all the way through it yet. Annoyingly, the manipulatives list is not even in their sample on their website.


I think it was a mistake for them to package the new level A this way. Who wants to buy all the manipulatives for all the levels when you are just starting out with the first level? What if RS doesn't work for you! IMO they should have another manipulatives kit for just that level so you have the option.

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That is odd that they are selling manipulatives that way now :confused1: What I usually do is find the list of required manipulatives on the RS website, and then search for each one individually at Rainbow Resource. So far they've had everything, although some things are not marked as RightStart manipulatives. I think the list of things you need can usually be found in the sample file for each level that has the table of contents, the first few lessons, etc. I'm assuming they're posting these for the new editions.

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Just wanted to kind of update this for future searchers :) and to maybe get some more insight. Another poster asked the same question on the Right Start forum & this was the response:


Actually, with Level A Second Edition, almost all of the manipulatives are used - including the Geometry Reflector and the Calculator. So many more manipulatives are used in each level that it is actually more cost effective to order them up front. The only expense you will have in future years is the cost of the Teacher's manual and the Workbooks.


This is a bit of a game changer...the 2nd edition with manipulatives is $255. First edition with manipulatives is $110. I realize that in the long run, getting all the manipulatives up front is probably more cost efficient, but if we're only going to use some of the manipulatives a couple times at the end of the year, I really would rather just scrounge or buy as we go (planning on doing 6 weeks on/1 week off, so I could use the 1 week to order what we would need for the next term...)


Not to mention storing (ie managing to not lose) all that stuff seems daunting.....

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The search continues...I checked with Rainbow Resource to see if I could switch out the 1st edition workbooks for 2nd edition in their Level A kit, but no :) which I understand. I'm planning on calling Right Start this afternoon during naps to (hopefully) get a good idea of what manipulatives are absolutely necessary for Level A. I guess worst case scenario is that I buy the workbooks & abacus (and card games?) on their own & then work out the manipulatives from there.


This is getting to be less and less fun...LOL.

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I don't know if this helps, but we're finishing up with Level A (1st ed.) and didn't use all of the manipulatives that heavily. Most relied upon for us were the abacus (of course!), place value cards, tally sticks, and the basic card deck. I could see someone making their own place value cards with card stock and using craft sticks from the dollar store without losing anything. I know there is more in B (and we'll be buying those manipulatives later this year when 2nd ed. B comes out), but I think you could get away with minimal manipulatives in A -- or even skip the geoboards and tiles pieces of the lessons as they'll be revisited in B. (Many people say they skip level A all together!)


Just my thoughts on the subject!

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I know you're looking at the second edition, but FWIW, with the first edition, going from Level A to Level B, I only needed THREE additional manipulatives, which cost me a grand total of $12.25 from RR. That takes into account buying the mini math balance, which is $4.25 compared to $12.95 for the large one (and which is $25 from RS - yikes).


Since Level A can be skipped altogether (Level B reviews everything from Level A), you might consider buying the first edition of Level A for this year, and switching to the second edition for Level B. I'd be switching if Level B were going to be out in time for us to use this coming school year.


Also, I have all the manipulatives for Level A plus the ones I just got for Level B in a medium-sized bin (15-qt rectangle) with a lid. Storage is also why I bought the smaller math balance - the large one would take up way too much space.



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I don't know if this helps, but we're finishing up with Level A (1st ed.) and didn't use all of the manipulatives that heavily. Most relied upon for us were the abacus (of course!), place value cards, tally sticks, and the basic card deck. I could see someone making their own place value cards with card stock and using craft sticks from the dollar store without losing anything. I know there is more in B (and we'll be buying those manipulatives later this year when 2nd ed. B comes out), but I think you could get away with minimal manipulatives in A -- or even skip the geoboards and tiles pieces of the lessons as they'll be revisited in B. (Many people say they skip level A all together!)


Just my thoughts on the subject!


That IS helpful! Thank you. I have considered skipping A, but DS won't be 5 until November & I'm ok with going slow for A, building a nice foundation & adjusting if necessary for level B.


The more I look the more expensive it gets to piece everything together. If I bought the 2nd Edition books, plus Abacus, plus card games that's already $125, which is more than the first edition with manipulatives.

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I sell RS at conferences so I can give you a better idea of what would be absolutely needed for 1st edition and what you could pick up at Walmart, make yourself, or do without. Depending on how many items you are buying separately, the cost of the bundled set can actually be cheaper. The person you quoted about the manipulatives in A for the 2nd edition was correct. Many more of the manipulatives are used in the 2nd edition. I'm unsure if there are any that you could cut out completely, besides perhaps the reflector ( a mirror works fine), the calculator or other cheap stuff like the calculator. I imagine the geometry panels, goniometer, and compass wouldn't be needed in A as well.


I can also give you more feedback on the differences between the editions. I personally love the 1st edition more, fwiw.


Also, you can call RS and ask if they have any used items to sell at a discount. The books and manips that we just shipped back from conference will be sold used as soon as they return.

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I sell RS at conferences so I can give you a better idea of what would be absolutely needed for 1st edition and what you could pick up at Walmart, make yourself, or do without. Depending on how many items you are buying separately, the cost of the bundled set can actually be cheaper. The person you quoted about the manipulatives in A for the 2nd edition was correct. Many more of the manipulatives are used in the 2nd edition. I'm unsure if there are any that you could cut out completely, besides perhaps the reflector ( a mirror works fine), the calculator or other cheap stuff like the calculator. I imagine the geometry panels, goniometer, and compass wouldn't be needed in A as well.


I can also give you more feedback on the differences between the editions. I personally love the 1st edition more, fwiw.


Also, you can call RS and ask if they have any used items to sell at a discount. The books and manips that we just shipped back from conference will be sold used as soon as they return.



You prefer the first edition...good to know! Can you expand on that? And thanks for the tip about the used items. That's very helpful! I'm definitely willing to buy used, I've been keeping an eye out but it seems that in a lot of cases you don't save a whole lot buying used. Which, of course, will be great when it's my turn to sell :)


I guess I'm not really opposed to getting the 1st edition kit...that was what I was originally planning anyway, but then I learned that there was a 2nd edition & well...chaos quickly followed. The 2nd Edition kit just seems like such overkill, yk??

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Sure! I guess I will say that I prefer the 1st edition, but there are features of the second that appeal to others that I'm not concerned with.



The differences between the editions are that the second has more lessons on weight and measurement. The balance is used for weight lessons as each of the blue things weighs 10 g. The layout is different with the activities on the left and any research, tips, tricks or why the heck are we teaching it this way blurbs on the right. The visuals are updated and the explanations are bit clearer. The common core alignment is also new, but I don't really get all into that. The manipulatives are used more, lessons that would take a few days now are put into one day and there is more review and more reminders to play the games.



For me, the games are great, but I don't feel we need to be using them more than we are. Plus, the extra use of manipulatives would feel like overkill for us. I don't get a 5 yr old needing to start using the drawing tools. It just seems like using manipulatives for the sake of saying you are. I've browsed it and the additional lessons are OK, but not absolutely vital, IMO. I'm not a fan of the layout either. I just like my first edition. It's worked for my oldest quite well...I added in CWP recently and she's been doing very well with them. I started my youngest on the first as well, and it's working. Again! I felt as though I could add in more games on my own if I wanted, I don't care about the Common Core and my kids get weight lessons in science and measurement in the kitchen so we're not really missing anything. This is just my own opinion, of course.

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I'm looking forward to using the 2nd edition...I like the look of the new layout and love the shorter lessons. One of the things that has driven me crazy in using Level A is the length of the lessons. Often we'd stop midway through a lesson because the attention span was just gone. I would much rather be able to complete a whole lesson at once than break it up over two or more days. I also would love the reminders to play games, and hope there will be review built into the 2nd ed like what is in the current Level C- review lessons every so often which aren't in A or B.


That said, my oldest started in Level B so I've only tried Level A once and just couldn't do it, I didn't like teaching it. I've actually switched my DS5 over to Miquon while we wait for 2nd edition Level B to come out. I might go ahead and order the new 2nd ed Level A and just accelerate him through it. I plan to start my youngest in 2nd Ed Level A when she is ready. I see that Rainbow Resource has the new edition now, which will save me some international shipping costs over ordering it through RS so I might go ahead and get it now. My oldest is doing fine in the first edition, but I do wish some things had been introduced earlier and it sounds like that might change with aligning the new editions to CC.


I also don't get the use of the drawing board in Level A. Why? It takes a bit of coordination to use which might be more difficult for a 4-5yo. But I guess I can't comment without having seen how they are using them in the lessons.


RS used to have a list/chart of exactly what was required vs what was recommended for each level, haven't seen that in awhile. Wonder what it would look like for the new editions.

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