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wwyd? question about pool cleanliness/safety

Tammy (TX)

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I have a dear friend from church who has invited us over to use her pool. She has limited mobility and lives by herself, so I don't think she's used the pool in a while. She said she's just had to start keeping it clean since she is selling her house, and would love for me to bring the kids to swim. I told her yes for tomorrow, but am having second thoughts.


I don't like swimming very much, and am sensitive to pool chemicals. I also am a germaphobe, lol. I'm worried that I'm going to drag all the kids to her house and it's going to be slimy or green, or the pool man will have just given it a shock treatment or something. Is there a difference between the pool looking clean for potential buyers and actually being safe to swim in? I actually thought about taking test strips and testing it, but that would be a bit awkward! Did I mention I'm a germaphobe?


She's very kind and a wonderful person, but sometimes doesn't notice details or cleanliness issues. That's what has me worried. I'm a big proponent of just telling the truth, but can't figure out how to do that in this situation.


This seems so silly typing it out, but oh well. Thought I'd see what others had to say about it. Usually, my husband can talk me out of (or into) situations that I'm stressing over, but he doesn't think we should go, either.


What would you do?

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Clean is clean in a pool. Sparkling clear water with no algae growth will indicate safe water. Unless something happened right before you got there (and that doesn't sound likely as there are probably not any babies pooping in the pool), the pool should be fine. If she has a service come - then it is certainly ok. If she doesn't, well - you can only go by what she is telling you. I doubt she'd ask you to swim if the water wasn't safe.

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Sounds like she's not really using the pool? The icky germs (IMO) from communal pools are from human feces. If no one else has been in the pool, a lower than ideal chlorine level wouldn't be scary. I don't think there would be any offense to telling her you are sensitive to high levels if chlorine and ask how she monitors the levels or something along those lines. Your kids are looking forward to swimming but you're worried about a migraine.

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I agree with zoobie, public pools are very very icky, so if she has a pool service, then her pool is much cleaner and safer than most pools. The shock in pools dissipates in less than half an hour, so unless the service comes just before you get there it should not be an issue.

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Well, my friend actually called and cancelled late this afternoon because she wasn't feeling well, but hopes to reschedule. I really appreciate your input and feel better about it now. I know it would make her so happy for the kids to come have fun in her pool.


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