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Test scores back and feeling panicked

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Ds10 has dyspraxia and maybe APD. He officially just finished 4th but he is still in 3rd grade math, and the writing program I chose for him was 3rd grade level, too (that's just where he fit). He is bright, I know he is, but he is hard to teach... stuff doesn't "stick" easily. He is also not a great test-taker, I don't think (concentration for so long, processing answers while ALSO having to find the coordinating # on the answer sheet and fill in a bubble). But wow, I didn't think it would be this bad.


Reading national percentile rank: 41

Language NPR: 26

Math NPR: 20


I guess this shouldn't totally shock me... The grade equivalents for those categories were 4.3, 3.6, 3.4, respectively. Which makes sense for someone doing 3rd/4th grade work. But my brain is spinning. I feel like I am obviously not qualified to teach him. He needs more help. I've been doing Dianne Craft stuff but not much else (in terms of remediation)... our insurance won't cover OT. I'm wondering if I should hold him back, just call this coming year 4th again. I'm wondering if I should put him in school where there are people who have degrees in helping kids like him. I'm wondering if we are going to be on probation w the school district and what that means (we have to turn in scores and be above 30th percentile).


Help. Please someone tell me how to process this, and please don't say "don't worry, he's fine." I have heard that from homeschoolers for five years about him and it has not served us.

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Do you have documentation for the LDs? Would he have tested better with accommodations? Because if he has LDs and was being tested in school he could be entitled to them as part of an IEP. My child is below grade level also, though fortunately I am not required to do testing. But I understand the panic of feeling like you are failing your child. My feeling is that considering the LDs you might actually being doing a good job, sorry I know you did not want to hear that :-). Is he making progress? Can you see progress from where he was last year this time? I think when there are special needs involved it is more important to think in terms of progress instead of benchmarks. But it is hard. And IMHO there is nothing wrong with exploring school as a possibility without having to call it a failure on your part.

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I think my son would do horribly with a pencil/bubble test, but he does well taking them on a computer.


If the bubbles are hard for him, I think he would be bound to do better without that.


Otherwise, I don't know.


My son gets 30 min/week of OT at school, and it helps a little, but doesn't keep him from being behind and getting further behind in his OT areas.


He is doing private OT and definitely I am pursuing accomodations for next year. Remediating is not cutting it as he gets older and demands get higher, though he is still working on remediating also. The remediating is just not coming soon fast enough to not do accomodations, and in some areas he will probably always need them.


I don't know what to suggest -- I also think you might be doing well, and maybe doing better than he would get at school (I after-school my son, he goes to public school). (Depending on what he would get if he did to to public school.)

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If I remember correctly, you are in NY If you are in NY, it is the composite that has to be above the 33rd percentile. Also, you do not have to do tests until 5th grade. Save this test so you can show "one year's progress" next year. Do a narrative this year.


That doesn't help you with what to do educationally, but hopefully it will reassure you about this year.


If you aren't in NY, sorry, disregard!

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