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Good practice readers?


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For Saxon K & 1, we used the assigned little readers that came in the Saxon kit.


We also used BOB and sight word readers similar to these. For sight word readers, I would review the two words on the front cover, and tell dd6 that she was responsible for those two words. I read all of the book EXCEPT the two sight words. Dd6 (4 or 5 at the time) followed my finger and the text to which words she needed to identify and say.



For us, it also wasn't so much what we used, as how we used them.


I put a post-it note in the back of each book. Each post-it had a list:

1) Mom

2) Dad

3) Sister

4) Cats

5) Friend (meaning Grandma, or babysitter, or playmate).


Each day we did Phonics, dd read a couple of books to someone on the list, and we checked the name off. The idea is that by the time she had read the book five times to five different people on five different days, she was competent to read and recognize the words in the book.


DO NOT read the same book to three different people on the same day. You can, however, read books 1, 2, & 3 to the cats today, and read them all to little sister tomorrow. Or today, read book 1 to little sister, book 2 to the cats, and book 3 to Mom; tomorrow switch it up!


The reason "cats" and toddler "sister" are on the list is part of the "read to a dog" program. The dog doesn't really care if you get all the words perfectly right (and neither does little sister), so the young reader has quality, read aloud, practice time to a living entity. We read to dad to show off at the end of the day.


Also, in our house, dd6 earned 25c for each reader completed (all five days people read to). This is what worked for us; it may not work for others.



As the books were completed (read 5 times), they were put in a shoebox by dd's bed for her to read to herself at bedtime. It was a privilege to get to stay up beyond lights out and read her little books once more. (Woo hoo! More practice at reading!!!)

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I liked Modern Curriculum Press, and I wrote several phonics readers for dd.

It's so easy to write some super-simple stories, esp if you have a list of words.

My daughter enjoyed such classics as Mom, and my son, the delightful, Big Dog and Fat Cat. :-)

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We have Bob, Nora Gaydos, and I See Sam. MUCH Prefer Nora Gaydos and I See Sam over Bob. I wouldn't try to coordinate them too closely with OPG. I haven't been able to coordinate very well with Phonics Pathways. I just waited until they were reading CVC words confidently and then started with readers. If you read each reader several times, and especially if you have a couple of different reader sets, you'll be ahead in OPG of the readers. Then the readers won't be too hard. THey'll just be good practice. At some point, we were far enough ahead that the readers were downright easy and we stopped reading them multiple times. It all works out.

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Check out progressivephonics.com Also, I ended up going to the library and looking through the easy readers. There are some out there (Green Light, some by David McPhail) that are fairly basic, although this may be more for when you are ready to move beyond BOB Books.

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