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Singapore users, help! Please.


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I hope teaching my son out of the Singapore curriculum is easier for me than figuring out how to order it. :001_huh:


I want to supplement with Singapore, starting at 2B, and I'd also like to get the Challenging Word Problems.


When I look it up at Rainbowresource, I see these:






Are these just different editions or am I really missing something?


I need someone to walk this very tired and stressed Mommy through telling me what I need to order. I'd be so grateful, and send many cyber hugs. :)

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Someone with more *experience* will surely weigh in. We're Singapore users, but I never order the teacher helps. Sorry! My dd7 is going into Singapore 3a this year and so far I've only needed the textbook & workbook. And, I am by no means a math whiz! So if I can figure out where they're going with only the text, I'm sure you could too.


FWIW, I always order through Singaporemath.com. They have forums on the website with a wonderful moderator, Jenny, who can answer ANY question you may have. HTH! :)

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I'd suggest the Home Instructor's Guide (HIG) over the Teacher's. The teacher's guide is written more for a classroom.


I like the HIG. After pulling together a science program, a history program, and teaching him to read, the last gollydurn thing I want to do is figure out card games (which he loves), what manipulatives I'll need, and other reinforcements for math.

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Thank you for the responses. Now, I'm wondering if I even need the HIG. I'm using this as a supplement. Not 100% positive what our main curr. will be, but after using Horizons for k-2, I need a break from it.


Maybe I'll just order the textbook and workbook...hmmmm

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Even if you use Singapore as your main math program, at that level, the HIG is really not needed. If you find he needs more of a challenge, get the Challenging Word Problems.




In all honesty I'd have to disagree that the HIG is not needed at the lower levels if using Singapore as a main math program. We use the Teacher's Guides, not the HIG, but I think anyone using it as more than a supplement would really benefit from either the TG or the HIG. If you look at the texts they are pretty bare bones. The TG goes into great depth about the concepts that you are supposed to be imparting. It contains instructions/ideas/suggestions on how to teach each lesson. Since Singapore is a bit different than the way most of us adults learned math in the way it wants the child to understand and conceptualize the material, I really think you could miss a large part of the point without either the TG or the HIG.


If using Singapore as a main program I also feel that Intensive Practice and Challenging Word are pretty necessary to take it to the level which it was intended to achieve.


Best wishes,


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