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So is anyone using OneNote (or GrowlyNote, EverNote, etc.) for student note-booking?

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Having heard people raving about OneNote for a while now (which of course is unavailable for the Mac), and rather unimpressed with EverNote, I went on the hunt for a note-booking app for me.

I downloaded a free one called "Growly Note" and Wow!


I had pretty much given up on the idea of note-booking for DS. His writing is appalling, so I generally have him type, not to mention the fact that he can't spell very well so relies heavily on his spell-check.

Honestly, that's fine, but office docs tend to be a little...flat, I guess. And scrolling through 37 pages of information, or hunting through disconnected folders, seems counterproductive. So I pretty much gave up on the whole note-booking concept and just went with the basics.


But a notebook app opens everything back up!



Does anyone use note-booking like this? That is, electronically?

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I'm running Growly but haven't really used it yet. I did discover that it might not work how I wanted it to, close to one note, but not all the way. I was a little worried were it talked about not having big lists. What I want to do I big.


Have you looked at Circus Ponies Notebooks? They have a desktop and iPad app. It isn't one note either, but is a notebook type of app. Granted, the price of Growly is the best!


Heck, maybe while I'm sucking up to HST I should use my copy of one note! Lol!

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Notibility would make is real easy to notebook in the "classical" way. You can load pdf's in, and your kid can type insted of write, or just click on add pick of copy some text and put it in the page. However, your app looks very cool!!


Edited to say - Growly is only for Mac's not iPads I guess? Oh well. :(

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Truth be told, I don't have a real need for the cutesy borders and such.

I just wanted an easy way to keep narrations, reports, outlines, etc. collected together in one, logical location...like a notebook. He can add pictures, diagrams, links and so on with no change in formatting and create an infinite number of pages, all collected together. Like a notebook. :)

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Truth be told, I don't have a real need for the cutesy borders and such.

I just wanted an easy way to keep narrations, reports, outlines, etc. collected together in one, logical location...like a notebook. He can add pictures, diagrams, links and so on with no change in formatting and create an infinite number of pages, all collected together. Like a notebook. :)


Evernote will do that.

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I just don't like the flow of Evernote. Maybe the paid version is better...

And every time I use it it goes looking for an internet connection. In fact, when I haven't had one, it won't launch. Will it ONLY work online?? For me, that's an enormous limitation...

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I just don't like the flow of Evernote. Maybe the paid version is better...

And every time I use it it goes looking for an internet connection. In fact, when I haven't had one, it won't launch. Will it ONLY work online?? For me, that's an enormous limitation...

The paid version works offline. I have it because it came with a bundle I bought. I tried again to love it - but it works great for some stuff I want to share with my boyfriend, but not for my stuff.


So for me, Evernote is just not what I am looking for in a "repository" type of app.


I haven't looked into the Journal feature in OLLY, that might work for some things too.


BUT, to the original question - I'm not, but I'm going to think about it now as I plan our year. I think I will revisit Circu Ponies Notebook because of the iPad app. Oh and for straight text I do like the App Notebooks. ( http://www.notebooksapp.com )


Ohhhhhh, he has a version for the Mac (and Windows) in beta - I might have to go see if that will work for me!!! For my planning side everything is list based!! I'm excited!! :D

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It isn't Notebooking, it's just journaling, but I put Day One on both boys' iPads for keeping track of good thoughts, favorite lines from books, important ideas they learned that day, and other "starred thoughts." I have a dysgraphic kid, and the dictation feature works very well. I also like the ability to view the entries in a list or diary format.



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This is what I put together this morning. I've decided to go ahead and keep a portfolio in OneNote. Since we'll be moving to a state that requires a standardized test and a portfolio kept for a couple of years, I felt this was the easiest way to keep the work around without having to dedicate physical storage space. I have OneNote backing up automatically to DropBox and I also set up the portfolio notebook to save to the Microsoft SkyDrive.





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This is what I put together this morning. I've decided to go ahead and keep a portfolio in OneNote. Since we'll be moving to a state that requires a standardized test and a portfolio kept for a couple of years, I felt this was the easiest way to keep the work around without having to dedicate physical storage space. I have OneNote backing up automatically to DropBox and I also set up the portfolio notebook to save to the Microsoft SkyDrive.

I really really like that!!!!


You have given me some ideas to roll around in my head... not that I needed more of them, but hey, why not right?!?! :p

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I just don't like the flow of Evernote. Maybe the paid version is better...

And every time I use it it goes looking for an internet connection. In fact, when I haven't had one, it won't launch. Will it ONLY work online?? For me, that's an enormous limitation...


The paid version is exactly the same, only you can upload more and there are no ads (some small other differences but the work flow is the same). You only need the internet to sync though, if you have the desktop app.


I personally use Evernote. I have it on my phone/laptop/desktop. I don't use it for a kid, though, just my own education stuff.


The downfall of EN is that you can't format the notes a lot. ON is much better for that. Evernote is great for basic notebooking stuff, though - collecting articles, writing, etc.Haven't tried the other one though.

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I've been playing with Circus Ponies the last couple of days and don't like it as well for the organization of my own stuff (Growly Notes seems better for that), but REALLY like how it would work for note-booking for Buck.

He liked it too. I opened up the trial version and he said, "Ooooooooooh." lol But it's something like $50! where GN is free...

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I've been playing with Circus Ponies the last couple of days and don't like it as well for the organization of my own stuff (Growly Notes seems better for that), but REALLY like how it would work for note-booking for Buck.

He liked it too. I opened up the trial version and he said, "Ooooooooooh." lol But it's something like $50! where GN is free...

I've been watching the videos - I'll re-download the trial on this computer when I turn in my last school assignment! - and I think for what I want to do it will work better for me. I don't know - I have 3-4 days to wrap my brain around it all....


But I agree - it would be great for note booking for the kid!

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I love Evernote, have Premium, paid for it when I knew this was the thing for me.


Evernote will do what you want, It is a powerful search engine which means you can search up strings and find all the bits you want. You can ad on tags or organize into notebooks, but some people only have one notebook in Evernote and find it works well.


But it ain't my little pony and you shouldn't expect that it will ever be.

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What is note booking? I just started using EverNote as part of my Homeschool planner and I'm so in love. I'm intrigued by this idea that I could use it for something else


Can you share how you use EverNote for homeschool planning? Still trying to figure out the best way to do this.

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I love Evernote, have Premium, paid for it when I knew this was the thing for me.


Evernote will do what you want, It is a powerful search engine which means you can search up strings and find all the bits you want. You can ad on tags or organize into notebooks, but some people only have one notebook in Evernote and find it works well.


But it ain't my little pony and you shouldn't expect that it will ever be.

Thank god it isn't MLP.... I'd never use it as opposed to rarely.


Evernote doesn't work for my brain - and apparently others, which is great to read because I thought I was the only one. I don't want a big dumping ground and search for things - i have that in the "documents" folder on my computer. Devonthink will far out-do EN for searching and finding things. Oh, and I don't want things in the cloud - I have no need for my scholastic workbooks to be up there.


Anyway, I have Premium and it will mainly go unused.... thankfully it was "free" for me for 15 months as part of something else I bought. I can't imagine renewing it.

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I remember when MLP was big the first time around. Fortunately DD, despite being horse-crazy, managed to pretty much skip over them. She only had about a half dozen of them.


But what does this have to do with notebook software?? lol

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I remember when MLP was big the first time around. Fortunately DD, despite being horse-crazy, managed to pretty much skip over them. She only had about a half dozen of them.


But what does this have to do with notebook software?? lol

Lucky you..... LOL!


I'm not sure - I took her comment as a "dig" at the Circus Ponies app, and that Evernote was far superior. Circus Ponies has been around for 10 years.... longer than Evernote, and no matter how great everyone thinks it is - I am just thankful there are choices in "software-land".

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Oh! Duh. lol

I'm a little slow on the uptake today.



I don't know about you, but I've been a Mac user since the days when they were just Apples. Consequently, I'm a bit spoiled. I expect my applications to not only function intuitively, just as I need them, but also be fun and pretty while doing so! :D

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My first Mac was the Mac SE that I used at home, then took to college along with my Imagewriter (with a color ribbon to use! :lol: ). I was the only person in my complex that had a computer in their apartment... which consider some of the kids that lived there was funny. I think that SE is still in my parents garage somewhere!


That is what drives me nuts about OLLY at times - I'm guessing I've been a Mac longer than their main programmer has been alive. I just expect certain things to work certain ways. And be pretty :D

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I took an Apple IIe to college...No printer, though.

I had to save on my 5" floppy and then run it down to the college's computer lab to use their printers.


My folks gave us a SuperMac (do you remember the brief years of Mac clones?) for a wedding present to replace it. :) I remember it had a 1G hard drive. Truly HUGE!! lol

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LOL, I always wanted a IIe - alas, my Dad was a DEC guy and I had a Rainbow instead. Hey, I at least could play Adventure on it!


I do remember the clones.... we never bought any at work. I think we were tempted - but something prevailed.


i'm now lusting for a new 11" air with that insane battery life. I'm hoping someone thinks to buy it for me for graduation - but that is a pipe dream!! :D

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I love Evernote, have Premium, paid for it when I knew this was the thing for me.


Evernote will do what you want, It is a powerful search engine which means you can search up strings and find all the bits you want. You can ad on tags or organize into notebooks, but some people only have one notebook in Evernote and find it works well.


But it ain't my little pony and you shouldn't expect that it will ever be.



I love that Evernote can search even my hand-written notes in the add-on notebook now!

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OK, so I've been using Circus Ponies for the last few days and have changed my mind. I like it better. I like the format, I like the fun, and it can do everything Growly Notes can do except templates. (Why would a notebook app not be able to make templates?!) However, I can just create a page with my template format and nothing in it and copy and paste it. Not quite as easy, but hardly difficult.

And, even better, it can be used on an iPad, because one of these days I'm going to have one! PLUS, it can export to Growly Notes should I decide to use it, also.


So far as DS using it, it will be used *exactly* like a standard notebook...Tabs for different topics within a subject and pages for outlining, narration, etc. He can import clip art, pictures, sounds, movies, and links as he wishes and print anything as needed.


So, I think I'm going to spend the $50. I almost never buy software, though, so this is easy to rationalize. ;)

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Someone - I thought it was in this thread, but apparently not, said that the CP trial email had a coupon in it?


I haven't downloaded the trial for this computer yet, that is on the schedule for the weekend/next week. I'm still in big picture mode....


I think it was me, in another thread. They sent me a $5 off coupon with the activation code. But it's only good for 24 hours.

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I think it was me, in another thread. They sent me a $5 off coupon with the activation code. But it's only good for 24 hours.

Well that stinks - the point of the trial is to save money for a month THEN buy it! LOL!!!


I guess I will sort out my workflow more before downloading.... and make my "must buy in this order" list.

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Well, I downloaded the trial of CP NoteBook - I shouldn't even start using it, but well, I am. I really don't like the "look" of Growly Notes, which is superficial - but it is all those design classes coming out I think.


So anyway, I have my folder of Scholastic workbooks in DevonThink , just index and not stored in there. I can then do a search on "stomach" and find out what I have in the science books. When i have the page in the PDF I want, I right click and copy the link to the page.... and if i'm not "on" that document in DT, a nice PDF viewer window opens up next to the notebook page in CP - and I can print the page.


This means I could store the links to what I want and easily print them for the week - but not print them all NOT and store them and such. I'm going to have to consider this. OLLY doesn't do these types of links "yet". They liked the suggestion, and it will probably happen..... but when?


I'm going to go play with CP more and see how it flows for me planning a couple of the things I am trying to do this weekend. I guess in all fairness, I should try them in Word in its Notebook view since I own it huh?


Anyway, back to coordinating various resources and wish I had cut bindings already!

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What are you guys talking about???


I don't know what notebooking is but I'd like to so, if anyone feels inclined, I'm all ears.


Now, I might know it by another name. *IF* it is what I *THINK* you might be talking about, we use Google Drive for that. It is very basic with no templates (that I know of) or fancy options (that I know of) but it does a good job for me.


My daughter has a one category set up for school, one for other stuff, and some odd documents that remain unfiled. Clicking on the School category, a folder for each subject is revealed. Clicking on a subject, something else is revealed. Under Biology, she has a folder for each chapter and in each chapter she has Journal, On Your Own, Vocabulary, Study Guide, Test. She completes each and I can pull it up on my computer and check, et c.


For Greek, even though all her work is submitted online, she completes everything in her Greek folder and then copies it over. Why? Yes, it's redundant but after ignoring her teacher's recommendation she finally lost an entire chapter's worth of work b/c of a Quia glitch and and now always does it.


I really like it for Latin and all the subjects I teach b/c we can share documents. For the Latin teacher, my daughter has compositions to do, et c. and sometimes, often, really, can share a work in progress and get help/input.


What I don't have but would like? The ability to scan hand-written notes into a folder (Math!).

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Lucky you..... LOL!


I'm not sure - I took her comment as a "dig" at the Circus Ponies app, and that Evernote was far superior. Circus Ponies has been around for 10 years.... longer than Evernote, and no matter how great everyone thinks it is - I am just thankful there are choices in "software-land".


Maybe what you should do is ask directly.


I've never heard of "Circus Ponies", something I don't think you can say about Evernote which seems to everywhere. I assumed the Circus Ponies reference was to having backgrounds and themes that were child friendly, hence the My Little Pony remark. Evernote doesn't have lots of do-dads and themes is what I was thinking.


If I had known, I would have pointed out that it appears Circus Ponies notebooks only exist in the Mac world kind of like One Note only exists in the Windows world. The nice thing about Evernote is if you ever switch computers or cell phones, you will still have Evernote because it works on almost all platforms.

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I've come back from a short vacation with my dh since both my children were at work camps this week. On the way to, I listened to http://www.systemizeme.com/the-productive-life-show/ which is about productivity. The thing that struck me about Evernote while listening to people who do all sorts of different things is how open it is. It doesn't force you into its system, instead users have been able to use if for hugely different things: storing recipes, managing real estate, being an attorney, or even a Farley file.


That's what I like about Evernote, is that it can do everything I need to do, not just one thing.

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Maybe what you should do is ask directly.


Perhaps you should take your own advice? You commented on something you admit below to not knowing what it was. Obviously the person posting - and I - knew what the app was and that it wasn't kid stuff. So for me, it was a dig. Life is to short to engage - even if I am now. Mainly because I'm avoiding printing crap out!


I've never heard of "Circus Ponies", something I don't think you can say about Evernote which seems to everywhere. I assumed the Circus Ponies reference was to having backgrounds and themes that were child friendly, hence the My Little Pony remark. Evernote doesn't have lots of do-dads and themes is what I was thinking.


If I had known, I would have pointed out that it appears Circus Ponies notebooks only exist in the Mac world kind of like One Note only exists in the Windows world. The nice thing about Evernote is if you ever switch computers or cell phones, you will still have Evernote because it works on almost all platforms.


It is Mac only, and for me/my uses is a far superior product than Evernote.


Trust me, I used to hang out extensively with geeks in the Mac world that the sun rose and set on Evernote. I totally understand that a lot of people that love Evernote cannot fathom why the rest of the world doesn't. One of the biggest issues is I don't want my stuff everywhere on someone else's servers. But other than that, I personally just don't like the UI and/or the way it lays things out. I've been trying to use it for almost 4 years now I think.


I would, however, probably use OneNote if it was in the Office for Mac package - I like a few of the things it has better.... but not enough to live in XP on my Mac.


Which brings me to - no, I will not be switching to a Windows machine, nor will I be getting an android phone. The android thing was confirmed yet again when my boyfriend got his new tablet this week and worked on getting it set up how he wanted it. All while using my iPad because his wasn't working in this way or that. HMPH.


So no need to worry about cross platform, except I can publish the CP Notebook stuff to the web. I haven't looked at it - but that is an option apparently!


I've come back from a short vacation with my dh since both my children were at work camps this week. On the way to, I listened to http://www.systemize...tive-life-show/ which is about productivity. The thing that struck me about Evernote while listening to people who do all sorts of different things is how open it is. It doesn't force you into its system, instead users have been able to use if for hugely different things: storing recipes, managing real estate, being an attorney, or even a Farley file.


That's what I like about Evernote, is that it can do everything I need to do, not just one thing.


Jack of all trades, master of none? Sorry, that was the first thing that popped into my head! :p


(But, I'd be pissed if my attorney had my case information on the Evernote servers. I'll have to ask her about that.... isn't there HIPAA for that type of stuff??)


I will continue to watch and try Evernote - I do use it to keep a household project type of list/info for both of us to access. But for what I'm doing "today" with school planning, it isn't there yet.


For student-notebooking - it could work, but i'd have to make some major adjustments in our work flow. Right now she needs everything all together - so it would have to be 100% paper, or 100% electronic. It is a phase she is in..... (this is my special needs DD)

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That's what I like about Evernote, is that it can do everything I need to do, not just one thing.

As far as I can tell, that's what all notebook apps do. I mean, that's their purpose...


One of the biggest issues is I don't want my stuff everywhere on someone else's servers.

Aside from issues of privacy or reliability, it's a huge pain in the neck to have to have an internet connection in order to fully utilize an application. I don't always have access to the net but I still want access to my stuff!

Nor am I particularly concerned about needing a cross-platform application that serves a personal purpose. As mentioned, I've been a Mac user since the days when it was still just an Apple. I don't see myself changing directions anytime soon, really...

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My daughter has a one category set up for school, one for other stuff, and some odd documents that remain unfiled. Clicking on the School category, a folder for each subject is revealed. Clicking on a subject, something else is revealed. Under Biology, she has a folder for each chapter and in each chapter she has Journal, On Your Own, Vocabulary, Study Guide, Test. She completes each and I can pull it up on my computer and check, et c.

It's kind of like that, except that instead of having folders and individual docs, you have a notebook with sections and pages. And those pages might have audio/video clips, pictures, typed info, attachments of other documents, and even handwritten notes on them. And I don't have to have an internet connection in order to access it all!

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For me EverNote does not allow enough levels of hierarchy. There is now way to arrange things in a way that shows hierarchy - only tags and that did not work for me.


I LOVE MS OneNote! It is awesome! I use it for various things from book writing, role playing games, to helping to manage a yoga studio!

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For me EverNote does not allow enough levels of hierarchy. There is now way to arrange things in a way that shows hierarchy - only tags and that did not work for me.


I LOVE MS OneNote! It is awesome! I use it for various things from book writing, role playing games, to helping to manage a yoga studio!

Ohhhhh, maybe that is it! I love me some "nested" stuff over just tagging any day!!! :D

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This is what I put together this morning. I've decided to go ahead and keep a portfolio in OneNote. Since we'll be moving to a state that requires a standardized test and a portfolio kept for a couple of years, I felt this was the easiest way to keep the work around without having to dedicate physical storage space. I have OneNote backing up automatically to DropBox and I also set up the portfolio notebook to save to the Microsoft SkyDrive.


*Michelle*, how do you get the notebook to backup to both DropBox and to save to Skydrive? Did you nest the DropBox folder inside of Skydrive like this PCMag.com article suggests? Or do you use a different method?

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*Michelle*, how do you get the notebook to backup to both DropBox and to save to Skydrive? Did you nest the DropBox folder inside of Skydrive like this PCMag.com article suggests? Or do you use a different method?


I set it up to save to SkyDrive when I created each notebook. For Dropbox, I went to File>>>Options>>>Save & Backup. I selected "Backup Folder" and clicked Modify, then selected the Dropbox folder, so the route on my computer is C:\Users\The name of my computer\DropBox\OneNote.


So, I think that means that it saves to SkyDrive but backs up to DropBox. I could be completely wrong. :D However, it definitely shows that they're saved to SkyDrive and when I go to the DropBox website, everything shows up there too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if it's a false positive, but my anti-virus program (Avast) blocked that link as infected.

I'm on a Mac, mine didn't say anything but I"m not apt to be bothered by the same type of stuff either.


But the info there is awesome - I wonder what is stopping it?


I posted a comment that it was coming up as infected - so maybe she can see it and figure out what is wrong.

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I"m looking at this today for student output..... (I feel like I"m spamming it because I've posted it 3 places - I'm totally not, it just was relevant and I'm curious for others opinions! There is a free Lite version to play with.






Back to sorting out my work process for the kids......

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