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Decorative gardening in front of house

Night Elf

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I have never enjoyed outside work. The world is full of little critters that just freak me out. However, I really want to make my yard look more appealing. I have a large garden bed at the front of my house that currently has mostly hastas. We planted them when we moved in because we knew we didn't have to do anything to them. When they come up they are large and pretty. We also have two azalea bushes that were planted by the previous owners. They are right up against the house and bloom two different colors. But DH keeps them trimmed back due to being right against the house so they provide very little color. How can I spruce up this garden area? Are there some hearty flowers I should try? Would I need to replant them each year? Also, I wouldn't mind thinning out the hastas a bit. I mean they are really big. My MIL once said something about cutting parts out. What is she talking about?

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I love outside work. Too bad we ca'tn trade...I'd do your yard, you'd clean my kitchen. :) It sounds as if you have shade in front. Is that right? Here's what I'd do...stand out in the street and take a photo of the entire yard and house. Print it out on a full sheet of paper (doesn't have to be in color.) If you want make several copies....now take one or two of those to a local independent nursery (NOT Home Depot) Let the nice folks there help you plan and decide. Here azaleas mostly bloom in the spring. If you trim them too late in the fall or before they bloom in the spring, you won't have much color. In my shade gardens, I love coleus and impatiens--- both grow very well during the summer, but die back in the winter. Ask the nursery folks what you can plant that is perennial. No matter what, put down lots and lots of mulch. Mulch is like laying new carpet...everything looks so neat and tidy. Hope this helps....I'm off to water my porch pots and weed whack before it gets any hotter. ETA .... look for some fun pots or yard art or other decorative elements to add interest to your beds....bird bath, a bench, etc....

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I'd be all over cleaning that kitchen! :tongue_smilie: I think I have a couple of small nurseries in my area. That could be a good idea. And yes, we have shade. We have lots of trees on the sides and back and some in the front yard as well. I never thought of pots or other decorations. That could be fun picking out something like that. In our last home, we hired a landscape company because the house was new and the yard totally empty. It was all greenery but just seemed to work somehow. This house looks like it needs something more though. And we've lived here for 8 years now. We've let our yards become messy. The last owner was meticulous in his trimming and keeping the woods and grasses from encroaching on the small yard.

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Ditto everything Happy's already said. Get some input from a pro, mulch, and plant perennials. We have morning sun only, and used to have azaleas - when it became apparent DS was allergic, we removed them and put in knockout roses. I love them. If you dead head the spent blooms, they will bloom more than once a season - usually spring - fall. They don't require much care, or at least they don't get much here!

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Happy and I must be twinsies :)


My go-to shade plants are also coleus and impatiens, and I love love love a thick planter full of hostas.


All are low-maintenance and lovely, and would be set off beautifully with a fresh layer of mulch.


I loved her idea of taking a photo to different nurseries - great idea!


Have fun, Night Elf!

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